(SPRING 2003)

Click this note on cached pages and handouts if you are 
having difficulty seeing the latest version of this page.

Course Syllabus (MS-Word format)

Government Sources on the SI system: 
   Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (France)
   National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA)

Writing Style Guidelines:
   IEEE Information for Authors <--Use this for your lab report.
   ASME Journal Publication Guidelines  (Listed here FYI.)

Other links:
   Russ Rowlett's dictionary of units How Many?
   National Center for Atmospheric Research e-book, 
      The Analysis of Observations
      See especially Chapter 2

Robbins, Allan H., Circuit Theory and Practice
   This is a non-calculus based textbook.  

Edmininster, Joseph, Schaum's Outlines--Electric Circuits 
   This book has many worked examples in it.

Note:  You can read more about these books and others.

                           PROBLEM SETS             (Last update:
                           ------------         5/01/03  4:03 pm) 
           Homework must adhere to reasonable standards.
|PS|ASSIGNED| DUE |RETURNED| Problems Assigned (In Dorf &       |
| #|        /     \        | (Svoboda unless otherwise noted)   |
| 1|  1/15 |  1/17 |  1/20 | P1.3-1, P1.3-2, P1.3-6, P1.3-7     |
| 2|  1/17 |  1/24 |  1/28 | P1.6-6, P1.6-7, P2.5-7, P2.6-1,    |
|  |       |       |       | P2.6-2, P2.7-1, P2.7-2 (note:      |
|  |       |       |       | in our text, positive probes or    |
|  |       |       |       | terminals are oftene shown in blue)|
| 3|  1/24 |  1/31 |  2/05 | DP2-3 Note: error in DP2-3 problem |
|  |       |       |       | statement.  Add 2 W, 5 W, and 10 W |
|  |       |       |       | resistors to the available ratings.|
|  |       |       |       | P3.3-2, P3.4-4, 3.4-5, P3.7-1,     |
|  |       |       |       | P3.7-5                             |
| 4|  2/03 |  2/07 |  2/10 | P4.3-2, P4.3-3, P4.4-3, P4.4-5,    |
|  |       |       |       | P4.4-6, VP4-3, DP4-2               |
| 5|  2/07 |  2/14 |  2/19 | P4.6-1, P4.6-3, P4.7-2, P4.7-4     |
|  |       |       |       | P4.7-9, P4.7-13, VP4-5             |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|  |       |       |       | Two notes on problem P4.7-13:      |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|  |       |       |       | 1.) Strike "bone fissure and" from |
|  |       |       |       | the last sentence.  This makes it  |
|  |       |       |       | clear that the cathode is the      |
|  |       |       |       | dependent source in series with    |
|  |       |       |       | the 100 kilohm resistor.           |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|  |       |       |       | 2.) Change the value of the CCVS   |
|  |       |       |       | from 5 to 5000 times the current.  |
| 6|  2/14 |  2/21 |  2/24 | P4.8-1, P5.3-3, P5.3-4 Hint:       |
|  |       |       |       | reduce the circuit to a single     |
|  |       |       |       | mesh that contains the source      |
|  |       |       |       | labeled Vo. P5.4-1, P5.4-4, P5.5-1 |
|  |       |       |       | P5.5-4, P5.5-5                     |
| 7|  2/24 |  2/28 |  3/03 | P5.5-8, P5.5-11, P5.6-1            |
| 8|  2/28 |  3/07 |  3/10 | P5.5-17, P5.6-3 Note: The          |
|  |       |       |       | transresistance (A.K.A. "gain" in  |
|  |       |       |       | the problem statement) is          |
|  |       |       |       | 2000 ohms which equals 2 V/ma.     |
|  |       |       |       | (If ix is in mA, use 2ix.  If ix is|
|  |       |       |       | in amps, use 2000ix.)              |
|  |       |       |       | P5.7-1, P5.7-6, DP5-1.             |
| 9|  3/10 |  3/12 |  3/31 | P6.4-1, P6.4-2.                    |
|  |       |       |       | On 3/10 problems DP5-4 and P6.5-5  |
|  |       |       |       | were removed from this list and    |
|  |       |       |       | moved to the next problem set      |
|  |  3/10 |  ---  |  ---  | This will be the assignment due    |
|  |       |       |       | on Fri. 3/28 just after spring     |
|  |       |       |       | break:                             |
|  |       |       |       | DP5-4, P6.5-5, P6.5-11, P7.3-1     |
|10|  3/10 |  3/28 |  3/31 | DP5-4, P6.5-5, P6.5-11, P7.3-1     |
|11|  3/31 |  4/07 |  4/09 | P7.5-1, P7.8-1 (On 3/31 in class   |
|  |       |       |       | the due date was delayed from 4/4  |
|  |       |       |       | to 4/7.)                           |
|12|  4/04 |  4/11 |  4/16 | P7.3.6 (compare to example 7.3-2   |
|  |       |       |       | on page 263 of your text)          |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|  |       |       |       | P7.6-1 and also find the maximum   |
|  |       |       |       | instantaneous voltage across the   |
|  |       |       |       | inductor.  Note: a spark is a      |
|  |       |       |       | conductive channel of ions that    |
|  |       |       |       | forms when the dielectric strength |
|  |       |       |       | of air is exceeded.  (Prof. De Boer|
|  |       |       |       | thinks Tesla was insane, or at     |
|  |       |       |       | least highly antisocial.  For an   |
|  |       |       |       | entertainment, read this biography |
|  |       |       |       | and also see your text pages       |
|  |       |       |       | 482 and 541.  There is also an     |
|  |       |       |       | interesting PBS documentary on     |
|  |       |       |       | him and a biography in Dordt's     |
|  |       |       |       | Library.)                          |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|  |       |       |       | P7.6-8, P7.9-1, P8.3-1, P8.6-1     |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|13|  4/16 |  4/18 |  4/28 | P8.6-6, P8.6-8, P9.9-1 but use     |
|  |       |       |       | the classical method.              |
|14|  4/28 |  5/02 |       | P10.3-1 Hint: transform to phasors,|
|  |       |       |       | add phasors (vectorially) transform|
|  |       |       |       | back to time domain, use trig. ID  |
|  |       |       |       | to convert sin to cos.  Another    |
|  |       |       |       | hint:  Example 10.3-2 on page 420  |
|  |       |       |       | of your text is parallel to this   |
|  |       |       |       | problem but does not use phasors.  |
|  |       |       |       | See file Dorf_Ex10_3_2.pdf where   |
|  |       |       |       | this same example is done via      |
|  |       |       |       | phasors.  Typo:  Delete the word   |
|  |       |       |       | in bold, "Answers."                |
|  |       |       |       | P10.3-3 hint: report frequency, f, |
|  |       |       |       | in Hz, not rad/sec.                |
|  |       |       |       | P10.5-7, P10.10-2                  |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |

                              TESTS        (Last update: 5/01/03)
Quiz, Monday, 1/27, Covered Ch. 1, Ch. 2 except section 2.8, and 
   Ch. 3 through section 3.6.  No crib sheets or calculators were 
   allowed.  (On Friday, 1/24 the quiz was rescheduled from 1/24 
   to 1/27.)  Handed back on Wednesday, 1/29.

Test #1, Wednesday, 2/26. The test covered Chapters 1 through 4 
   and through section 5-4 of Chapter 5, omitting sections 4-9 
   and 4-10.  Preparation to solve systems of linear algebraic 
   equations with at most three unknowns was expected.  No crib 
   sheets allowed.  A calculator was allowed (and recommended).  
   (On 2/24 via class discussion we decided to allow 
   calculators.)  Handed back on 2/28.  Raw score info: High=100, 
   Avg.=76, Low=44.  

Test #2, Wednesday, 4/2, Covered through section 7-8 of 
   Chapter 7.  Emphasis was on the material covered since test 
   #1.  Sections in the text on PSpice and Matlab were omitted 
   from the test, specifically sections 5-8, 5-9, 6-8, and 6-9. 
   No crib sheets were allowed.  A calculator was allowed. 
   Handed back on 4/4. Raw score info: High=100, Avg.=75, Low=30. 

Final Exam, Tuesday 5/6 from 8:00 am to 10:00 am.  Will cover
   the entire course with emphasis on each topic roughly 
   proportional to the time spent on the topic.  Specifically 
   covered will be all of Chapters 1 through 8 except these 
   Sections: 4-9, 4-10, 5-8, 5-9, 6-8, 6-9, 7-10, 7-11, 8-8, 8-9.
   Also included will be problems from Chapter 9 that can be 
   solved by the "classical" technique, that is applying KVL or 
   KCL to get a differential equation and then solving that 
   equation for the total solution (sum of natural and particular 
   or transient and forced solutions).  Also in included will be 
   Sections 10-1 through 10-3 in Chapter 10.  No crib sheets will 
   be allowed.  A calculator will be allowed and is recommended.  
   Knowing how to use complex numbers with your calculator is 
   also recommended.  

                               LAB         (Last update: 5/01/03)
General information about the lab equipment and procedures.
(Requires Internet Explorer 5.x)
|LB|ASSIGNED| DUE |RETURNED| Problems Assigned (In Dorf &       |
| #|        /     \        | (Svoboda unless otherwise noted)   |
| 1|  1/15 |  ---  |  ---  | Safety and introduction to the     |
|  |       |       |       | instrumentation                    |
| 2|  1/22 |  1/22 |       | Uncertainty and tolerances         |
| 3|  1/29 |       | was   | DC Volt-ohmmeter project           |
|  |  2/05 |       | retnd |    (4 weeks)                       |
|  |  2/12 |       | in    |                                    |
|  |  2/19 |  3/05 | April | Report due on Wednesday, 3/05      |
| 4|  2/27 |  ---  |  ---  | Introduction to the Oscilloscope   |
|  |       |       |       | and signal generator               |
| 5|  3/05 |  ---  |  ---  | Op amps                            |
| 6|  3/12 |  ---  |  ---  | Introduction to circuit simulation |
| 7|  3/26 |  ---  |  ---  | RL and RC Circuits, step and pulse |
|  |       |       |       | responses                          |
| 8|  4/02 |  4/11 |       | RLC Circuits                       |
| 9|  4/09 |  ---  |  ---  | Diodes and Rectifiers              |
|10|  4/16 |  ---  |  ---  | Transistors                        |
|  |  4/23 |  ---  |  ---  | (no lab this week)                 |
|11|  4/30 |  ---  |  ---  | Sinusoidal Steady State and Phasors|
|  |       |       |       | (tentative)                        |
|--|  ---  |  ---  |  ---  | Common Emitter Amplifer (cancelled)|

                         RESEARCH PAPER    (Last update: 4/04/03)
Was to be assigned in March.  The research paper requirement has 
   been replaced with a requirement to improve your lab report.
   The due date is 4/25.

<--PREVIOUS offering of this course NEXT-->

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