(FALL 2004)

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                           PROBLEM SETS             (Last update:
                           ------------        12/14/04  2:16 pm) 
           Homework must adhere to reasonable standards.  
|PS|ASSIGNED| DUE |RETURNED| Problems Assigned (In Dorf &       |
| #|        /     \        | (Svoboda unless otherwise noted)   |
|--|  ---  |  ---  |  ---  | Last day of class--no new assigmnt |
|  |       |       |       | (Study for the final exam.)        |
|37| 12/06 | 12/08 |       | P11.4-1, P11.4-5                   |
|  |       | 12/14 | 12/14#| Prepare to bring your questions to |
|  |       |       |       | class for review on Friday.        |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|  |       |       |       | Due for final grading at the time  |
|  |       |       |       | of the final exam.                 |
|36| 12/03 | 12/06 |       | P10.8-3, P11.3-3                   |
|  |       | 12/08 | 12/09#|                                    |
|35| 12/01 | 12/03 |       | DP9.9 except select L so that the  |
|  |       | 12/08 | 12/09#| circuit is critically damped for   |
|  |       |       |       | all t > 0.  (The peak will not be  |
|  |       |       |       | at t = 0.5 s.)  A note regarding   |
|  |       |       |       | the hint:  This is just a check.   |
|  |       |       |       | Use an analytic method to find     |
|  |       |       |       | the answer, then if you want, try  |
|  |       |       |       | it in PSpice and see if the result |
|  |       |       |       | makes sense.                       |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|  |       |       |       | P10.6-2  (Note errata on P10.6-2)  |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|  |       |       |       | On Monday, 12/06, the due date was |
|  |       |       |       | Changed from 12/06 to 12/08.       |
|34| 11/22 | 12/01 |       | P10.3-6, P10.5-4                   |
|  |       | 12/03 | 12/06#|                                    |
|33| 11/19 | 11/22 |       | P9.3-2 using the operator method   |
|  |       | 12/01 | 12/03#|                                    |
|  |       |       |       | Note:  See errata on P9.3-2.       | 
|32| 11/17 | 11/19 |       | P9.3-1, P9.3-2 except use the      |
|  |       | 11/22 | 12/01#| direct method.                     |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|  |       |       |       | Note:  See errata on P9.3-1.       | 
|  |       |       |       | Note:  See errata on P9.3-2.       | 
|31| 11/15 | 11/17 |       | P8.6-1, P8.6-4                     |
|  |       | 11/19 | 11/22#|                                    |
|30| 11/12 | 11/15 |       | P8.3-9, P8.4-1, P8.4-4             |
|  |       | 11/17 | 11/19#|                                    |
|  |       |       |       | Note: See author's errata on P8.4-1|
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|29| 11/10 | 11/12 |       | P8.3-1, P8.3-8                     |
|  |       | 11/15 | 11/17#|                                    |
|  |       |       |       | Note:  See errata on P8.3-1.       |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|28| 11/08 | 11/10 |       | P7.9-1, P7.9-5                     |
|  |       | 11/12 | 11/15#|                                    |
|27| 11/03 | 11/08 |       | P7.6-3, P7.7-1, P7.8-1             |
|  |       | 11/10 | 11/12#|                                    |
|  |       |       |       | Note errata on P7.6-3.             |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|  |       |       |       | Note errata on P7.7-1.  Take       |
|  |       |       |       | alternative number 1 (change the   |
|  |       |       |       | units from ms and mA to s and A.)  |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|  |       |       |       | Study for test on Friday           |
|26| 11/01 | 11/03 |       | P7.3-4, P7.4-3, P7.5-3             |
|  |       | 11/05 | 11/10#|                                    |
|25| 10/29 | 11/01 |       | P6.5-5 but find only v  (skip i )  |
|  |       | 11/03 | 11/08#|                       o        o   |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|  |       |       |       | P7.5-1, P7.5-2, P7.6-1             |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|  |       |       |       | Note:  Hints on P6.5-5 were given  |
|  |       |       |       | in class.                          |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|24| 10/27 | 10/29 |       | P7.3-1, P7.3-6, P7.4-1             |
|  |       | 11/01 | 11/03#|                                    |
|  |       |       |       | More about p7.4-1:  "Determine"    |
|  |       |       |       | means "find closed-form equations  |
|  |       |       |       | for."  A computer is highly        |
|  |       |       |       | recommended for making the plots.  |
|  |       |       |       | Either Mathcad or Matlab would be  |
|  |       |       |       | a good choice.  In Mathcad, the    |
|  |       |       |       | "if" function might be helpful.    |
|  |       |       |       | You can look it up in the online   |
|  |       |       |       | help system.  An even more elegant |
|  |       |       |       | technique is to use a unit step    |
|  |       |       |       | function (also in Matlab).         |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|23| 10/25 | 10/27 |       | DP6-5, P6.5-10, VP2-3              |
|  |       | 10/29 | 11/01#|                                    |
|  |       |       |       | Note the errata (below) on problem |
|  |       |       |       | DP6-5.                             |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|  |       |       |       | Note: problem VP2-3 is not in your |
|  |       |       |       | textbook (but the figure for it is)|
|  |       |       |       | The problem is shown below:        |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|  |       |       |       | VP2-3  The circuit of Figure VP2.2 |
|  |       |       |       | (text page 56) is used to measure  |
|  |       |       |       | the current in a 750 ohm, 1/4 watt |
|  |       |       |       | resistor.  Vs = 1.200 V.  The meter|
|  |       |       |       | is not ideal.  It has a full-scale |
|  |       |       |       | voltage burden of 0.0800 V.  It is |
|  |       |       |       | set to the 2 mA range.  Your lab   |
|  |       |       |       | partner expects the reading to be  |
|  |       |       |       | 1.60 mA.  The reading actully is   |
|  |       |       |       | a little less than that.  The      |
|  |       |       |       | resistor has a tolerance of 2% and |
|  |       |       |       | the meter has an uncertainty of    |
|  |       |       |       | 0.5% of the reading.               |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|  |       |       |       | If the reading is 1.51 mA. . .     |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|  |       |       |       | a.) Does this test show the        |
|  |       |       |       |     resistor to be out-of-spec?    |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|  |       |       |       | b.) What is a best estimate of the |
|  |       |       |       |     actual resistance of the       |
|  |       |       |       |     resistor?                      |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|  |       |       |       | Note:  From the time when VP2-3 was|
|  |       |       |       | originally posted until Monday,    |
|  |       |       |       | 10/25 at 10:17 am there was a typo |
|  |       |       |       | in the posting.  "0.0800 V" was    |
|  |       |       |       | erroniously shown as "0.8000 V."   |
|  |       |       |       | Please correct your work as needed |
|  |       |       |       | if you worked the problem before   |
|  |       |       |       | Monday morning.                    |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|22| 10/22 | 10/25 |       | VP2-2, P6.5-4, P6.6-7              |
|  |       | 10/27 | 10/29#|                                    |
|21| 10/20 | 10/22 |       | P6.4-2, P6.4-4, P6.4-6             |
|  |       | 10/25 | 10/27#|                                    |
|20| 10/18 | 10/20 |       | P2.7-2, DP5-1, P6.4-1              |
|  |       | 10/22 | 10/25#|                                    |
|19| 10/15 | 10/18 |       | P4.7-6, P5.7-3, P5.7-5             |
|  |       | 10/20 | 10/22#| Note: on P5.7-2 a "Proof" is       |
|  |       |       |       | required.  In this case, one way   |
|  |       |       |       | to do the proof is by contradiction.
|  |       |       |       | If you do not know what a "Proof by|
|  |       |       |       | contradiction" is, one starting    |
|  |       |       |       | point is a Google search on the    |
|  |       |       |       | phrase "Proof by Contradiction."   |
|18| 10/13 | 10/15 |       | VP3-6, P5.6-4, P5.7-1              |
|  |       | 10/18 | 10/20#|                                    |
|17| 10/11 | 10/13 |       | P3.7-4, P5.5-8, P5.6-2             |
|  |       | 10/15 | 10/18#|                                    |
|  |       |       |       | Hint: Thevenin equivalent R might  |
|  |       |       |       | turn out to be negative.  Building |
|  |       |       |       | a negative valued resistance is    |
|  |       |       |       | possible but not simple.           |
|16| 10/06 | 10/11 |       | P5.5-9, P5.5-11                    |
|  |       | 10/13 | 10/15#|                                    |
|  |       |       |       | Errata: in P5.5-9 part b change the|
|  |       |       |       | "greater than" symbol to a         |
|  |       |       |       | "greater than or equal to" symbol. |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|  |       |       |       | Hint: The answer to P5.5-11 is     |
|  |       |       |       | not negative.                      |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|15| 10/01 | 10/06 |       | P5.4-4, P5.5-1, P5.5-4             |
|  |       | 10/11 | 10/15#|                                    |
|  |       |       |       | Note:  In class on Friday Prof.    |
|  |       |       |       | De Boer announced that this        |
|  |       |       |       | assignment was postponed from      |
|  |       |       |       | 10/04, 10/06 to the dates shown    |
|  |       |       |       | to accomodate the earlier test day.|
|14|  9/29 | 10/01 |       | P5.4-2, P5.4-1, P5.4-3             |
|  |       | 10/04 | 10/06#|                                    |
|13|  9/27 |  9/29 |       | P5.3-1, P5.3-3, 5.3-5, SP4-1, SP4-4|
|  |       | 10/01 | 10/04#|                                    |
|  |       |       |       | Note:  P5.3-1 has parts (b) and (c)|
|  |       |       |       | in the second column.              |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|  |       |       |       | Note:  Problems SP4-1 and SP4-4    |
|  |       |       |       | can be completed during lab time.  |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|  |  9/24 |  ---  |       | No new work was assigned, but note |
|  |       |       |       | the due dates on PS #12 below.     |
|12|  9/22 |  9/27 |       | P4.7-4, P4.7-7, P4.7-12 but change |
|  |       |  9/29 | 10/01#| the CCVS from "5" to "5000" times  |
|  |       |       |       | the current.                       |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|  |       |       |       | Note: This assignment was changed  |
|  |       |       |       | shortly after it was posted on Wed.|
|  |       |       |       | 9/22.  The due dates were 9/24 and |
|  |       |       |       | 9/27 and P4.7-2 was deleted and    |
|  |       |       |       | P4.7-7 was added.                  |
|11|  9/20 |  9/24 |       | P4.6-1, P4.6-4, P4.6-5, P4.7-2     |
|  |       |  9/27 |  9/29#|                                    |
|  |       |       |       | Note: on Wed. 9/22 the due dates   |
|  |       |       |       | were changed from 9/22 and 9/24 to |
|  |       |       |       | those shown.  P4.7-2 was also      |
|  |       |       |       | added to the assignment.           |
|10|  9/17 |  9/20 |       | P4.5-5, P4.5-7, VP4-3              |
|  |       |  9/22 |  9/24#|                                    |
|  |       |       |       | Note 1) P4.5-7 is not in your text.|
|  |       |       |       |   It was handed out after class.   |
|  |       |       |       |   It is also available here.       |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|  |       |       |       | Note 2) Since we did not get to    |
|  |       |       |       |   Mesh analysis, problem P4.6-1,   |
|  |       |       |       |   which was part of this           |
|  |       |       |       |   assignment, was moved up to the  |
|  |       |       |       |   next assignment.  This change    |
|  |       |       |       |   was made after class on Friday.  |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
| 9|  9/15 |  9/17 |       | P4.4-3, P4.4-4, P4.5-1             |
|  |       |  9/20 |  9/24#|                                    |
| 8|  9/13 |  9/15 |       | P4.3-3, P4.3-4, P4.4-1             |
|  |       |  9/17 |  9/20#|                                    |
| 7|  9/10 |  9/13 |       | P3.5-5, P3.7-8, P4.3-1             |
|  |       |  9/15 |  9/17#|                                    |
| 6|  9/08 |  9/10 |       | VP2-1, P3.3-2, P3.4-4              |
|  |       |  9/13 |  9/15#|                                    |
| 5|  9/06 |  9/08 |       | P2.8-1, P2.10-1, P2.10-2           |
|  |       |  9/10 |  9/13#|                                    |
| 4|  9/03 |  9/06 |       | P2.6-2, P2.7-1, DP2-3              |
|  |       |  9/08 |  9/10#| Note: there is an error in the     |
|  |       |       |       | problem statement for DP2-3.  Add  |
|  |       |       |       | 2 W, 5 W, and 10 W as available    |
|  |       |       |       | power ratings.                     |
| 3|  9/01 |  9/03 |       | DP1-1, 2.5-7, P2.6-1               |
|  |       |  9/06 |  9/08#|                                    |
| 2|  8/30 |  9/01 |       | P1.6-2, P1.6-3, P1.6-4             |
|  |       |  9/03 |  9/06#|                                    |
| 1|  8/27 |  8/30 |       | P1.3-1, P1.3-3, P1.3-4             |
|  |       |  9/01 |  9/03#| Plan to bring questions to class   |
|  |       |       |       | Read about the research paper      |
|  |       |       |       | assignment (below).  Get started.  |
Note 1) Homework must be ready for peer grading and discussion in 
class on the first listed due date.  It must be turned in for a 
final grade on the second listed due date.  Peer grading will be 
1/5 (20%) of the homework grade.

Note 2) If a "#" follows the "returned" date, then the solution
key is posted on the cork board across the hall from room S233.

Note 3) Problems sets shown above with no "assigned" date are 
tentative.  More problems might be added, expected due dates 
might change, but problems shown will eventually be assigned.

Announcement: (Made in class Friday, 10/29)  The test originally 
scheduled for Wednesday, 11/3, will be delayed to Friday, 11/5 in 
order to avoid a day when there is also a diffy Q test.  The test
description (below) is up-to-date.

Announcement (9/29, made in class)
The test originally scheduled for Wednesday, 10/6, has been 
rescheduled to the EARLIER date of Monday, 10/4.  

Announcement (8/27 at 2:43 pm)  
An error has been found on the course syllabus and on this web 
page.  The final exam will be on Tuesday, 12/14 at 10:30 am - 
12:30 pm.  (Not on Saturday as previously stated.)  The web 
version of the syllabus and this page have both been corrected.  
Please mark up your hard-copy of the syllabus. 

                         TEXTBOOK ERRATA
                         Dorf & Svoboda, 
            Introduction to Electric Circuits, 6th Ed. 
                           Wiley, 2004.

First, see the author's list at

In addition, there are more arrata noted at this URL:

                              TESTS       (Last update: 12/14/04)

Test #1, Monday, 10/4, The test covered Chapters 1 through 4.  
   Topics in lab handouts were also be covered, including topics 
   on safety.  Preparation to solve systems of linear algebraic 
   equations with at most three unknowns was expected.  Closed 
   book, closed notes.  A calculator was allowed (and 
   recommended).  You may not store electronic versions of 
   information from your text in your calculator.  If such is 
   discovered, it will be treated as academic dishonesty.  
   (On Wednesday, 9/29, in class, we decided to move this test
   up from 10/6 to 10/4 because several other classes also have 
   tests on 10/6.)  The test was handed back on Friday, 10/8.

   Avg raw socre was 57.  Min was 21, Max was 99.

Test #2, Wednesday 11/3.  Handed back on Friday, 11/5.
   Test type:  Closed book, closed notes.  A calculator was 
   allowed and recommended.  Same rules as for Test #1 regarding 
   no storage of information in your calculator.  (Here's an 
   interesting quote from C.S. Lewis.)
   Coverage:  The test will covered Chapter 5 through Chapter 7 
   Section 7-5, omitting the sections on MATLAB (sections 5-8 and 
   6-9).  Labs were also be covered.  Material covered on Test #1 
   was prerequisite for this test.  

   Avg raw score was 78.  Min was 46, Max was 100.  

Final Exam, Tuesday 12/14 from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm.  
   Test type:  One crib sheet, 8.5" X 11".  A calculator is 
   required.  A calculator that can handle complex numbers is 
   Coverage:  The entire course with emphasis on each topic 
   roughly proportional to the time spent on the topic.  
   Knowing how to use complex numbers with your calculator is 
   also recommended.  Tables 9.3-1 and 9-3-2 will be photocopied 
   onto the exam as given information--there is no need to 
   memorize them.  Specific Coverage:  The content of tests #1 
   and #2 plus Chapter 7 Section 7-5 through 7-10, Chapter 8 
   Sections 8-3 through 8-8, Chapter 9 Sections 9-3 through 9-9, 
   Chapter 10 Sections 10-3 through 10-11, Chapter 11 Sections 
   11-3 and 11-4.  Regarding Chapters 8 through 11, if you 
   understand fully how to do the homework assigned for those 
   chapters, you have studied enough.  The text has more depth of 
   content than the exam will have.  

   Grading status:  Grading has not started yet.  (Professor De 
   Boer is writing letters of recommendation for students 
   applying to graduate school.  When that is done he will start 

                               LAB        (Last update: 12/08/04)
General information about the lab equipment and procedures.
(Requires Internet Explorer 5.x or up.)

Information about future assignments is tentative until the
"ASSIGNED" date.
|LB|ASSIGNED| DUE |RETURNED| Problems Assigned (In Dorf &       |
| #|        /     \        | (Svoboda unless otherwise noted)   |
| 1|  8/30 |  ---  |  ---  | Safety and introduction to the     |
|  |  8/31 |       |       | instrumentation                    |
| 2|  9/06 |  ---  |  ---  | Uncertainty and Tolerances         |
|  |  9/07 |       |       |                                    |
|  |       |       |       | Reference:  Cooper et al,          |
|  |       |       |       | The Analysis of Observations. . .  |
|  |       |       |       | See especially Chapter 2.          |
| 3|  9/13 |  ---  |  ---  | Loading Effects of Instruments     |
|  |  9/14 |       |       |                                    |
| 4|  9/21 |  ---  |  ---  | Introduction to the Oscilloscope   |
|  |  9/21 |       |       | and signal generators              |
| 5|  9/27 |  9/29 |       | Introduction to circuit simulation |
|  |  9/28 | 10/01 | 10/04#| Two assigned problems were graded  |
|  |       |       |       | as homework, part of PS #13        |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|  |       |       |       | Related links:                     |
|  |       |       |       | SPICE--A Brief Overview, U Penn    |
|  |       |       |       | Orcad online manuals (DENIS only)  |
|  |       |       |       | The Spice Page, UC Berkeley        |
| 6| 10/04 |       |       | Project:  Design of a DC VOM       |
|  | 10/05 | 11/228|       |                                    |
|  |       |  in   |       | Originally scheduled for three     |
|  |       | class |       | weeks, 10/4-5, 10/11-12, 10/18-19  |
|  |       |       |       | On 10/18 the time was extended one |
|  |       |       |       | more week through 10/25-26.        |
| 7| 11/01 |  ---  |  ---  | Operational Amplifiers             |
|  | 11/02 |       |       |                                    |
|  |       |       |       | 741 op amp data sheets from:       |
|  |       |       |       | Fairchild                          |
|  |       |       |       | National Semiconductor             |
|  |       |       |       | Texas Instruments                                   |
| 8| 11/08 |  ---  |  ---  | Transient Behavior RC and RL       |
|  | 11/09 |       |       | Circuits                           |
| 9| 11/15 |  ---  |  ---  | Diodes and Rectifier Circuits      |
|  | 11/16 |       |       |                                    |
|10| 11/22 |  ---  |  ---  | RLC circuits                       |
|  | 11/23 |       |       |                                    |
|11| 12/06 |  ---  |  ---  | Transistors                        |
|  | 12/07 |       |       |                                    |

                         RESEARCH PAPER   (Last update: 12/14/04)
Assigned on the first day of class, 8/27.  
Part One was due Wednesday, 9/29.  Handed back 10/06.
Part Two due Friday, 12/03.  (On Monday 10/15 via a classroom 
discussion we delayed the due date from 11/22 to the date shown.)

Write a paper about a person who contributed to the development 
of electrical theory.  The paper must explain what motivated the 
person to do the work done or how the person's work influenced
culture.  Some biographic exposition will be necessary, but the 
paper should not be complete biography.  It should focus on one 
limited thesis.  (examples, from bad to good)

Graded in two parts:  One-third of the grade will be from a 
preliminary draft which includes the thesis, outline, and an 
annotated bibliography.  

Do a literature search.  Based on the literature search, write a 
thesis statement and outline.  Turn this part of the assignment 
in when you are done.  (Any time before the due date.) 

Document your sources of support for your thesis statement with 
an annotated bibliography of the relevant literature that you 
found.  For each source, describe the essence of the content and 
how you will use it in your paper.  (E.g.  "The author believes 
that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has not done its 
job properly.  This supports point A1 in my outline.") 

Your annotated bibliography must include at least two sources 
which are books published by well known publishers (McGraw-Hill, 
Wiley, etc.) or peer-reviewed sources.  There must be at least 
five sources in total.  Only sources that are independent of each 
other will count toward these totals.  Prof. De Boer has an 
annotated list of recommended sources available on the Web at 

A common question is, "How many pages long should the paper be?"  
The answer is, "As long as it needs to be."  In other words, 
there is no specific minimum or maximum.  However, you might 
like to keep in mind that students who have done well on this 
paper in previous semesters have turned in papers about 10 pages 
long, double-spaced.  (Five sheets of paper printed on both 

The paper should be in IEEE format.


Your thesis with outline and annotated bibliography will be
graded as follows:

"A" Thesis statement has a limited and manageable scope.  It 
    is no more than three sentences and no more than 100 
    words.  It also expresses a specific and legitimately 
    debatable point-of-view.  The paper will either defend 
    that point-of-view or present an analysis of the point-of-
    view, describing the conditions under which it is likely 
    to succeed best and the opposing points-of-view. 

    Your thesis statement must meet the guidelines found in
    either The College Writer or Write for College.  In The 
    College Writer see pages 41, 446ff, 450.  Equivalently, in 
    Write for College, see 024, 111, 113, 287, and 288. 

    The thesis is grammatically correct.

    The outline clearly supports the thesis.  
    The bibliography contains at least two good books or peer-
    reviewed sources and at least five sources over-all.  At 
    least two peer-reviewed sources and five sources over-all are 
    independent of each other.  (Examples of non-independent 
    sources are two sources by the same author.) 

    The annotations for each source show clearly the essential
    content of the source that is relevant to your paper and how
    you will use the source.

"B" The bibliography requirements are met.  One or a few other 
    requirements are not met in full. 

"C" No more than one of these problems:  Serious problems with 
    the thesis, although a good-faith effort shows. --OR-- 
    inadequate bibliography --OR-- A good-faith effort on the 
    outline is not evident. 

"D" (This grade will not be given.)

"F" Anything less than a "C"

(Evidence for "Good faith" effort includes the logical 
    relationships between elements of the outline, showing 
    thought and consideration of the subject and supporting the 

Write the final copy of the paper.  The final copy of the paper 
must follow the thesis of the first part of the work.  If you 
discover that the thesis is unworkable, you may resubmit the 
first part for a new first-part grade based on a new thesis, but 
the second part will be docked a fraction of a grade (e.g. a B- 
becomes a C+) each time you submit a new thesis.

Grading status:  Grading has not started yet.

Course Syllabus (MS-Word format)

Government Sources on the SI system: 
   Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (France)
   National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA)

Writing Style Guidelines:
   IEEE Information for Authors <--Use this for your lab report. 
   ASME Journal Publication Guidelines  (Listed here FYI.)

Other links:
   Russ Rowlett's dictionary of units How Many?
   National Center for Atmospheric Research e-book, 
      The Analysis of Observations
      See especially Chapter 2

Robbins, Allan H., Circuit Theory and Practice
   This is a non-calculus based textbook.  

Edmininster, Joseph, Schaum's Outlines--Electric Circuits 
   This book has many worked examples in it.

Note:  You can read more about these books and others.

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