PS # | Assigned | Due | Returned |
Problems Assigned
(In Proakis & Salehi unless otherwise noted)
| 4/28 | 5/05 | 5/06 |
Topics: Probabiity and Random processes, Beyes' Read: Section 5.1 Do |
4/21 |
4/28 |
4/29 |
Topics: Angle modulation basics, FM, PM Read Ch 4 Sec. 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 Do Note textbook errata in Problem 4.20 |
4/17 |
4/21 |
4/22 |
Topics: Angle modulation basics, FM, PM Read Ch 3 Sec. 3.2.4, Ch 4 Sec. 4.1 Do Note textbook errata on page 163, Figure 4.2 Note textbook errata in Problem 4.2 |
3/31 |
4/12 |
4/15 |
Topics: SSB, Hilbert Transform, VSB Superheterodyne tuning, image freq. Read Ch 3 Sec. 3.2.3, 3.2.4, 3.4, 3.5 Ch 2 Sec. 2.6, slides Do |
3/24 |
3/31 |
4/03 |
Topics: SSB, Hilbert Transform, VSB Superheterodyne tuning Reveiw Ch 2, Sec. 2.3 Ch 3 Sec. 3.2.3 thru 3.3 Do |
3/03 |
3/24 |
3/28 |
Topics: Fourier Trans., Mod. Thm, DSB-SC, DSB-LC Read Ch 2, Sec. 2.3 Ch 3 Sec. 3.2.3 thru 3.3 Do |
2/24 |
3/03 |
3/04 |
Topics: Linear Modulation, DSB-SC Read Ch 3 Sec. 3.1, 3.2.1, 3.2.2 Do On problem 3.3, Let f0 = 5 Hz and let A = 1 V. Also let the modulation index a = 1.0. Use a computer to make your plots. It is too tedious to achieve the needed plot accuracy when plotting by hand. Matlab, Desmos, and many other programs can do this task for you. Here is a hint in Matlab code that provides one way to express the message signal m1(t): m1 = (2*t).*(u(t) - u(t - 0.5)) + ... (-2*t + 2).*(u(t - 0.5) - u(t - 1.5)) + ... (2*t - 4).*(u(t - 1.5) - u(t - 2.0)) When you repeat the problem for DSB-LC make use of Equation 3.2.6 on page 127. On problem 3.5, you may make your plots by hand, but maintain good accuracy on properly scaled axes. When you draw an impulse, make the height of the impulse represent the area under the impulse. Note errata on pages 151 and 152. |
2/17 |
2/24 |
2/25 |
Topics: Fourier Transform Read Ch 2 Sec. 2.2 Do Hints: See all the hints for PS#5 below. In Problem 2.39.6 the fundamental period is not 1/f0. If you doubt this statement, let f0 = 60 Hz, for example, and plot the time-domain signal. Then find the fundamental period by observing the plot. Problem 2.46.2 can be done using tables found in your textbook, pages 78 and 79. Euler's is also helpful in recognizing the result. |
2/13 |
2/17 |
2/18 |
Topics: Fourier Series Read Ch 2 Sec. 2.2 Do Hints: See all the hints for PS#5 below. Problem 2.42 is asking you to find the time- domain dot product x(t)·y(t) and show that it is the same as the frequency-domain dot product of xn·yn. To do this, in the time-domain dot product (L.H.S. of the given eq.), replace x(t) with its equivalent from the F.S. synthesis equation. Similarly substitute for y(t). Make sure the two summations use different index (harmonic number) variables such as n and k. (Not n and n.) Integrate term-by-term. (In other words, invoke distribution of multiplication with respect to addition to re-order operations and move the integration operation fully inside the summations.) This creates a double summation of integrals. The Fourier series coefficients xn and yk are constants with respect to the integration. Notice that if the two indices of summation (harmonic numbers) are not equal, the basis functions are orthogonal. his causes most terms in the double-summation to be zero. The only terms that remain non-zero occur when the indices of summation happen to be equal. Thus the double summation can be reduced to the single summation given in the problem statement. |
2/03 |
2/10 |
2/14 |
Topics: Fourier Series Read Ch 2 Sec. 2.2 Do Hints: For problem 2.36 the author expects you to let the basis signals equal zero outside of the defined interval [α, α + T0]. Slides 2 and 3 from 2/06 elaborate on the definition of the dot product of two signals. These slides might be helpful in working Problem 2.36. Divide-by-zero errors are possible mistakes when working the F.S. analysis integral. Do you see something like (2 – n) in a denominator? Then this solution is good only if n ≠ 2. Handle the n = 2 case separately by substituting n = 2 early, before the (2 – n) gets expressed in a denom. Keep Euler's rule in mind. Remember that com- plex exponentials can be written as cos() + jsin() or similar trigonometric forms and vice versa. Terms like cos(2 ![]() cos(2 ![]() Terms like cos( ![]() cos( ![]() Similar maneuvers can be made with sin() functions involving multiples of ![]() In the answer for 2.39.1, xn = 0 for most n but not every n. The answer for 2.39.4 for odd n can be expressed in the form (integer)/(pn)2. Here p is a real constant and n is the harmonic number. If n is even but not zero, then xn equals a "special integer." If n = 0, then xn = x0 = a rational number. Note: errata on textbook page 107, Prob. 2.38 This problem is not assigned, but an error in this problem statement could be confusing when working Problem 2.36. In the first integral in the problem statement of problem 2.38 the "1" and the "0" are interchanged from where they should be. The integral evaluates to 0 if i ≠ j and it evaluates to 1 if i = j The problems stated mostly as word problems. |
1/30 |
2/03 |
2/04 |
Topics: Linearity, convolution Read Ch 2 Sec. 2.1 Read and observe Problems 2.37, 2.38 on pages 106-107. These are theorems that relate to transforms in general. The proofs requested are tedious (hence not assigned), but the theorems are famous. Do Do the problem statements look like gibberish to you? Try reading them entirely spelled out as word problems. |
1/20 |
1/27 |
2/02 |
Topics: Linearity, convolution Read Ch 2 Sec. 2.1 Do |
1/13 |
1/20 |
1/21 Sent to your Dordt on 1/21 at about 5:30 PM or later. |
Topics: Types of signals & systems Read: Ch 1 Sec. 1.4, Ch.2 through Sec. 2.1 Do Use a computer to make the plots for 2.1. Octave or Matlab are recommended. Here is a m-file to get you started. DDB's "Toolbox" files including u.m, rect.m, sinc.m and triangle.m can be downloaded as a zip archive DDB_TBX.ZIP. Hint: At the command line in Octave or Matlab type, "help sign" [enter]. Also try "help addpath", "help help" and "help exit". After file rect.m is on the path-list, note what happens when you type "help rect" in the command window. Compare to the comments in the source file, rect.m. Note errata on pages 29 and 42, and 101, 102, and 105. Click the due date (link) to turn your work in electronically. (Applies to all future assignments as well. See note 4 below.) |
| 1/13 | 1/16 | --- |
Topics: History of and overview of Comm Systems Read Chapter 1. (There is nothing to turn in.) |
Note 1) |
Homework solutions are usually available one or two class periods
after the due date. Click the "returned date" on this page to
access the solutions. If the "Returned" date is not a link (is
black, not gold) then the solution is not yet posted. Check back
later. If you click the link and get a login screen instead of
the solutions, log in using your usual courses@dordt username and
password. Then use the back icon (or alt-left-arrow on the
keyboard) twice to get back to the link on this page and click
the link again. The link only works when you are logged in to
Note 2) |
Problems sets shown above with no "assigned" date are
tentative. More problems might be added, expected due dates
might change, but problems shown will eventually be assigned.
Note 3) |
If you are having difficulty reading the latest version of this
page it may have to do with your browser's cached memory. Read
this note
cached pages to solve the problem.
Note 4) | We will turn homework in electronically this semester. Click a due date (the due dates are links) to get instructions from canvas for turning your work in. The recommended format is a single pdf file from a scanner. Another alternative is a a word-processor file (docx for example) with photos from a smartphone of your homework pasted into the document. If you use this alternative, please consider using a "mobile scanner app" in your smartphone to get a nice contrasty picture of each homework page. |