PS # |
| Due |
Problems Assigned
(In Polking et al unless otherwise noted)
| 12/12 |
(No new assignment--study for final exam Monday, 12/17 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM) | |
| 12/10 |
12/12 12/12 at 5:00 PM | 12/13# |
Read 6.1 Do p253 Sec 6.1 Ex 1, 2 Do Ex 1 by hand. You may do Ex 2 by hand as specified in the problem statement or you may write (or use) a computer program. Excel, Matlab, or Mathcad are three possibilities. Do not use a function designed to solve differential equations. Instead set up the computer to do the various calculations of the specified (Euler's) method. On Wednesday, 12/12 there will be a box labeled "MATH 204 Homework" near Prof. De Boer's office door. Drop your homework in the box by 5 PM Wednesday, 12/12 for final grading. This problem set will be graded and ready for pickup by 5 PM Thursday, 12/13. Pick your homework up from Prof. De Boer's plastic bin near the engineering pod door. |
| 12/07 |
12/10 12/12 | 12/13# |
Review 4.5, Read 5.7, 5.8 Do p172 Sec 4.5 Ex 21 Do p241 Sec 5.7 Ex 4, 5 Note errata on page 234. This problem set will be graded and ready for pickup by 5 PM Thursday, 12/13. Pick your homework up from Prof. De Boer's plastic bin near the engineering pod door. |
| 12/05 |
12/07 12/10 | 12/13# |
Read 5.6 Do p232 Sec 5.6 Ex 1, 5, 10 |
| 12/03 |
12/05 12/07 | 12/10# |
Review 5.3, Read 5.5 Do p209 Sec 5.3 Ex 27 Do p225 Sec 5.5 Ex 1, 3, 4, 6, 13, 14 |
| 11/30 |
12/03 12/05 | 12/07# |
Read 5.4 Do p214 Sec 5.4 Ex 1, 4 |
| 11/28 |
11/30 12/03 | 12/05# |
Review 5.2, Read 5.3 Do p202 Sec 5.2 Ex 20, 35 p209 Sec 5.3 Ex 19 |
| 11/16 |
11/28 11/30 | 12/03# |
Read 5.2 Do p196 Sec 5.1, Ex 21, 22, 23, 24 p197 Sec. 5.1, Ex 29 p201 Sec 5.2, Ex 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (Also study for test on Monday, 11/19) |
| 11/14 |
11/16 11/28 | 11/30# |
Review 5.1 Do p196 Sec 5.1, Ex 3, 6 |
| 11/12 |
11/14 11/16 | 11/28# |
Read 5.1 & Prof. De Boer's Notes on Transforms Do problems in Prof. De Boer's handout, 1, 2, 3 Note errata on page 191 and following. |
| 11/09 |
11/12 11/14 | 11/16# |
Read 4.6 Use the method of variation of parameters to do p177 Sec 4.6 Ex 3, 4 |
| 11/07 |
11/09 11/12 | 11/16# |
Read 4.5 Do p 172, Sec 4.5, Ex 19, 29 |
| 11/05 |
11/07 11/09 | 11/12# |
Reveiw in section 4.3 up to "Repeated Roots" and Read 4.3 from heading "Repeated Roots" to end of section Do p156 sec 4.3 Ex 11, 17, 18, 35 |
| 11/02 |
11/05 11/07 | 11/09# |
Reveiw in Sec. 4.3 as needed Do p156 sec 4.3 Ex 9, 10, 25, 27 |
| 10/31 |
11/02 11/05 | 11/07# |
Read 4.2 from p152 heading "Complex Roots" to p154 heading "Repeated Roots" Do problems in Cunningham and Stuller, Ex 11 parts a and d only, 15, 17. Note: In class on Wed. 10/31 some problems in Polking et al were deleted from this assignment and moved to a later assignment. |
| 10/29 |
10/31 11/02 | 11/05# |
Read Textbook Appendix p595 – p598 and Prof. De Boer's Notes on Complex Numbers Do problems in Cunningham and Stuller, Ex. 2, 3, 4, 7 parts a and b only. Note: For Ex. 4 part b, find the answers by doing complex arithmetic and then compare the results to part a. |
| 10/26 |
10/29 10/31 | 11/02# |
Read 4.2 up to heading "Complex Roots," p152 Do p156 Sec 4.3 Ex 1, 2, 4 |
| 10/24 |
10/26 10/29 | 10/31# |
Read 4.2 Do p149 Sec 4.2 Ex 1-6, (9 omit part i, 19), (16 omit part i, 22) PPlane is recommended for Ex 9, 19 and 16, 22. Note: Work Ex 9 and Ex 19 as one problem. Also work Ex 16 and Ex 22 as one problem. Prof. De Boer recommends that you copy and paste your graphs from PPlane into Word documents so that you can print all related graphs conveniently on one page. Here is an example for Ex 15, 21. Pressing (alt)-(Print Scrn) will copy the active window to the clipboard. Then place your cursor in MS-Word and press ctl-v to paste it in. Select the pasted graphic, then press alt-J-P-C keys (Word 2007) or find the picture editing toolbar and click on the "crop" button (looks like works with Word 2003 or earlier.) Then drag the handles (little black squares) to crop the graphic as desired. Remember to adjust graph sizes on screen before copying so that they paste in at the right size. Adjusting the size within Word (after pasting) will blur the graphs since Word can't recalculate them. |
| 10/22 |
10/24 10/26 |
Review section 4.1 Do p145 Sec 4.1 Ex 21, 23, 24 | |
| 10/19 |
10/22 10/24 | 10/26# |
Read 4.1 from Theorem 1.23 to section end. Do p145 Sec 4.1 Ex 9, 10 Note: Be sure to define variables and consider units. |
| 10/17 |
10/19 10/22 | 10/24# |
Read 4.1 up to Theorem 1.23 Do p145 Sec 4.1 Ex 1 through 8 and Ex 13 Note errata in sentence above Ex 1 |
| 10/15 |
10/17 10/19 | 10/22# |
Read 3.3 and Lecture notes on Chapter 3 Do p126 Sec. 3.3 Ex 7, 8 and for each . . . a.) Assume continuous compounding and continuous payments. Solve using the D.E. model. b.) Assume monthly compunding and monthly payments. Solve using the TVM formula presented in class and in the lecture notes. Note: For full credit, answers to Ex 7 must be accurate to within $0.05 or five cents. answers to Ex 8 must be within $5.00. |
| 10/12 |
10/15 10/17 | 10/19# |
Reveiw 3.1, Read 3.2 Do p116 Sec 3.1 Ex 16, p120 Sec 3.2 Ex 2 Hint: Don't overlook the footnote, bottom of p119. |
| 10/10 |
10/12 10/15 | 10/17# |
Read 3.1 Do p114 Sec 3.1 Ex 2, 11, 12 |
| 10/08 |
10/10 10/12 | 10/15# |
Read 2.9 Do p100 Sec 2.9 Ex 1, 2, 30 |
| 10/03 |
10/08 10/10 | 10/12# |
Read 2.7, 2.8 Do p86 Sec 2.7 Ex 7, 8, p91 Sec 2.8 Ex 1, 2, 3, 4. Use Dfield to do Ex 1, 2, 3, 4. Help with Dfield an be found here. |
| 10/01 |
10/03 10/08 | 10/10# |
Reveiw 2.6 Do p75 Sec 2.6 Ex 33, 34, 36 Note: This assignment was posted after class on 10/01. Hint: The answer to Ex 36 can only be found in an implicit form. An inverse tangent is part of the answer. A useful table of integrals can be found here. |
| 9/26 |
10/01 10/03 | 10/08 |
Review 2.6 Do p75 Sec 2.6, Ex 27, 35 Note errata on answer to Ex 35 (Also study for the test on Friday, 9/28.) |
| 9/24 |
9/26 10/01 | 10/03# |
Review 2.6 through p68, Read 2.6 p69 – page 74. Do p75 Sec 2.6 Ex 9, 11, 12, 14 |
| 9/21 |
9/24 9/26 | 10/10# |
Review 2.5, Read 2.6 through page 68 Do p62 Sec 2.5 Ex 7, p75 Sec 2.6 Ex 1, 2, 7 |
| 9/19 |
9/21 9/24 | 9/26# |
Read 2.5 Do p61 Sec 2.5, Ex 1, 2 See errata on the answer to Ex 1. |
| 9/17 |
9/19 9/21 | 9/24# |
Reveiw 2.4 Do p55 Sec 2.4, Ex 23, 37, 38 |
| 9/14 |
9/17 9/19 | 9/21# |
Review 2.4 Do p55 Sec 2.4, Ex 7, 10, 22 |
| 9/12 |
9/14 9/17 | 9/19# |
Reveiw 2.3, Read 2.4 Do p45 Sec 2.3, Ex 6, 19 p55 Sec 2.4, Ex 1 |
| 9/10 |
9/12 9/14 | 9/17# |
Read 2.3 Do p36 Sec 2.2 Ex 35, p45 Sec 2.3 Ex 4 |
| 9/07 |
9/10 9/12 | 9/14# |
Review thru Section 2.2 Do p15 Sec 1.3 Ex 20   Hint: Integrate by parts twice. p35 Sec 2.2 Ex 6   Hint: Factor the right hand side. p35 Sec 2.2 Ex 23 Note errata on Ex 23 p35 Sec 2.2 Ex 24 |
| 9/05 |
9/07 9/10 | 9/12# |
Read 2.2 Do p25 Sec 2.1 Ex 8, p35, Sec 2.2 Ex 1, 4, 13, 18 |
| 9/03 |
9/05 9/07 | 9/10# |
Read 2.1 Do p14 Sec 1.3 Ex 28, p25 Sec 2.1 Ex 2, 3, 4, 10 (On 9/4 a typo in this problem set was fixed. "p25 Sec 1.4" was changed to "p25 Sec 2.1.") |
| 8/31 |
9/03 9/05 | 9/07# |
Read 1.3 Do p14 Sec 1.3 Ex 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 |
| 8/29 |
8/31 9/03 | 9/05# |
Read Chapter 1 Sections 1.1 and 1.2 Do on page 6, Sec. 1.1, Exercises 1, 4, 7, 10. Bring homework questions to class on Friday. |
Note 1) |
Homework must be ready for peer grading and discussion in
class on the first listed due date. It must be turned in for a
final grade on the second listed due date. Peer grading will be
1/5 (20%) of the homework grade.
Note 2) |
If a "#" follows the "returned" date, then the solution
key is posted on the cork board across the hall from room S233.
Note 3) |
Problems sets shown above with no "assigned" date are
tentative. More problems might be added, expected due dates
might change, but problems shown will eventually be assigned.
Note 4) | If you are having difficulty reading the latest version of this page it may have to do with your browser's cached memory. Read this note on cached pages to solve the problem. |