EGR 304 Course Page
                          (Spring 2004)

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Homework must adhere to reasonable standards.

                           PROBLEM SETS             (Last update:
                           ------------         5/05/04  2:28 pm) 
 # after "RETURNED" date means a solution is posted outside S233
|PS|ASSIGNED| DUE |RETURNED| Problems Assigned                  |
| #|        /     \        | (Choose 6811 if there is a choice) |
| 1|  1/13 |  1/20 | 1/22# | 1.8                                |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
| 2|  1/20 |  1/27 | 2/10  | 2.1                                |
| 3|  2/12 |  2/19 | 2/26  | 3.17, 3.19 from Peatman's text     |
| 4|  3/04 |  3/09 | 3/23  | Problems on USB                    |
| 5|  3/09 |  3/25 | 4/01  | Write a 68HC11 assembly program to |
|  |       |       |       | measure the width of a pulse.  The |
|  |       |       |       | width can range from 1 to 65535 E- |
|  |       |       |       | clock cycles.  Include the setup-  |
|  |       |       |       | ritual and any other necessary     |
|  |       |       |       | code.  The "answer" is an assembled|
|  |       |       |       | *.txt file (from AS11 or the       |
|  |       |       |       | equivalent from TEXAS.)            |
| 6|  4/01 |  4/06 |  5/05 | 8.1 except expand the design so    |
|  |       |       |       | there are six digits, not three.   |
|  |       |       |       | Also change the LED operating point|
|  |       |       |       | to 6 ma, 2 V.                      |
| 7|  4/20 |  4/27 |  5/05 | 8.5, 8.6                           |
|  |       |       |       | Note on 8.5:  Parts available to   |
|  |       |       |       |   you are any parts in Dordt's     |
|  |       |       |       |   lab stock.  Power is available   |
|  |       |       |       |   at +5 V, +12 V, and -12 V, all   |
|  |       |       |       |   with a common ground return.     |
|  |       |       |       | Note on 8.6:  For the diode,       |
|  |       |       |       |   specify how to calculate the     |
|  |       |       |       |   minimum rating needed for the    |
|  |       |       |       |   Peak Forward Surge Current, I   ,|
|  |       |       |       |                                FSM |
|  |       |       |       |   and specify how to calculate the |
|  |       |       |       |   rating needed for the Peak       |
|  |       |       |       |   Repetitive Reverse Voltage, V   .|
|  |       |       |       |                                RRM |
|  |       |       |       |   Since the problem does not give  |
|  |       |       |       |   any particular details, assume   |
|  |       |       |       |   that an inductive load draws     |
|  |       |       |       |   100 mA in steady-state.  From    |
|  |       |       |       |   find a suitable protection diode |
|  |       |       |       |   that meets these specs. and give |
|  |       |       |       |   the part number.  Most diode data|
|  |       |       |       |   sheets can be found at           |
|  |       |       |       |    |
|  |       |       |       |   Just put a part number into the  |
|  |       |       |       |   search box on that page and then |
|  |       |       |       |   pursue the search to the data    |
|  |       |       |       |   sheet.                           |
|  |       |       |       |   (This problem was modified on    |
|  |       |       |       |   4/26 by adding the 100 ma        |
|  |       |       |       |   information.)                    |

                              TESTS                  (Last update
                              -----                      4/29/04)
Test #1, Tuesday, 3/2.  The test covered Valvano's textbook, 
   Ch 1 Sections 1.1, 1.4, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9.
   Ch 2 Sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
   Ch 3 Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
   Ch 4 Section  4.1 plus class notes on interrupts.
   Open Book, Open Notes, a calculator was recommended.
   Handed back on 3/04.

Test #2, Thursday, 4/8  The test will cover the following:
   Ch 6 (all of Ch. 6)
   RS-232, Ethernet, and USB--from class notes (Ch 7 in your 
      text also contains some of this info.) 
   Ch 8, Sections 8.1 and 8.2.
   The test will be open book, open notes.  
   A calculator is required. 
Final Exam, Thursday, 5/6, 8-10 AM.
   Will cover all the material covered on tests #1 and #2 plus 
   the remainder of chapter 8.  It will also cover position 
   sensing (relative, direction, absolute, Grey code, V-scan).  
   The exam will be open book, open notes, and a calucator is 

(Links to Motorola often require Microsoft IE 5.0 or better)
HC11REG.ASM Register Block Header File (right-click, Save target as. . .)
Motorola, 68HC11 Family Reference Manual (Data Book, 650 pages)
Motorola, 68HC11E Family Technical Data (Data Book, 336 pages) 
Motorola, More documents on the 68HC11 family (index page) 
Zilog, Z80 CPU User's Manual 
Download PseudoSam 80z Assembler, an 8086 to Z80 Cross Assembler 
A Free Chapter on "Instruction Set and Code Assembly" 
    The above link is to a book, Embedded Systems by Wilson
    (On the Book's page, click on the link to the free chapter) 
The course syllabus in MS-Word Format
M68HC05 Family: Understanding Small Microcontrollers
    The above link was discovered by Matt Veenstra.  Prof. De 
    Boer recommends especially the later chapters on programming 
    and peripherals.  The language in this book Motorola specific.
    For example, what they call an, "I/O memory location," is 
    generally known as a "memory mapped I/O port."  Other than
    these types of issues, the info in the book is generally 
    applicable to all microcontrollers.
RS-232 A tutorial from Tel-Aviv University. 
Ethernet Tutorial from The University of Brighton. 
Understanding Interference-Type Noise from Analog Devices Company
Shielding and Guarding from Analog Devices Company
A data sheet with information on LCD multiplexing from Philips
A Tutorial on stepper motors from Jones, ISU
68HC11 instruction reference--alphabetic order
68HC11 instruction refernece--op code order plus other tidbits

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