(Spring 2003)
Click this note on cached pages and handouts if you are
having difficulty seeing the latest version of this page.
(Links to Motorola often require Microsoft IE 5.0 or better)
Motorola, 68HC11 Family Reference Manual (Data Book, 650 pages)
Motorola, 68HC11E Family Technical Data (Data Book, 336 pages)
Motorola, More documents on the 68HC11 family (index page)
Shah, Microprocessor Design Made Easy Using the MC68HC11 (Textbook)
Zilog, Z80 CPU User's Manual
Download PseudoSam 80z Assembler, an 8086 to Z80 Cross Assembler
A Free Chapter on "Instruction Set and Code Assembly"
The above link is to a book, Embedded Systems by Wilson
(On the Book's page, click on the link to the free chapter)
The course syllabus in MS-Word Format
M68HC05 Family: Understanding Small Microcontrollers
The above link was discovered by Matt Veenstra. Prof. De
Boer recommends especially the later chapters on programming
and peripherals. The language in this book Motorola specific.
For example, what they call an, "I/O memory location," is
generally known as a "memory mapped I/O port." Other than
these types of issues, the info in the book is generally
applicable to all microcontrollers.
RS-232 A tutorial from Tel-Aviv University.
Ethernet Tutorial from The University of Brighton.
Understanding Interference-Type Noise from Analog Devices Company
Shielding and Guarding from Analog Devices Company
A data sheet with information on LCD multiplexing from Philips
A Tutorial on stepper motors from Jones, ISU
Homework must adhere to reasonable standards.
PROBLEM SETS (Last update:
------------ 5/01/03 11:19 am)
|PS|ASSIGNED| DUE |RETURNED| Problems Assigned |
| #| / \ | |
| 1| 1/14 | 1/16 | 1/21 | Answer the questions at the end of |
| | | | | Lesson One in Shah's book and these|
| | | | | Additional questions: |
| | | | | 18. What is the data bus width |
| | | | | of the Z80? |
| | | | | 19. What is the address bus width |
| | | | | of the Z80? |
| | | | | 20. What is the data bus width |
| | | | | of the M68HC11E? |
| | | | | 21. What is the address bus width |
| | | | | of the M68HC11E? |
| | | | | (Use the manufacturer's User's |
| | | | | Manuals to answer questions 18-21.)|
| 2| 1/21 | 1/28 | 2/?? | Weekly progress reports on the RTC |
| | | | | project as follows: |
| | | | | |
| | | | | Jeremy--Hardware to generate 60 Hz |
| | | | | tic clock interrupt for Z-80 |
| | | | | |
| | | | | Nate--Hardware to generate tic |
| | | | | clock interrupt via system clock |
| | | | | division |
| | | | | |
| | | | | Philip--Software subroutine to |
| | | | | count seconds, minutes, hours |
| | | | | |
| | | | | Gabe--Software subroutine to |
| | | | | convert seconds, minutes, hours |
| | | | | to seven-segment display |
| | | | | |
| | | | | Brian: Software main loop and |
| | | | | tic clock ISR. Main loop must |
| | | | | display time-of-day and allow the |
| | | | | clock to be set. |
| | | | | |
| | | | | Jonathan: Subroutine to check for |
| | | | | key-press. If a key is pressed, |
| | | | | set the time-of-day in response to |
| | | | | further key presses. (clock stops |
| | | | | running if time is changed--resumes|
| | | | | on a certain key-press.) |
| | | | | |
| | | | | On 1/28 turn in a preliminary |
| | | | | description showing how others will|
| | | | | interface to your portion of the |
| | | | | design. |
| | | | | |
| | | | | New reading for all in the class, |
| | | | | Chapter 6 in Wilson's book (see |
| | | | | the link above). |
| | | | | |
| 3| 1/30 | 2/6 | 3/25 | A one page cover memo with attched |
| | | | | documentation giving a complete |
| | | | | design proposal for your portion |
| | | | | of the lab project. |
| | | | | |
| | | | | New reading (unrelated to the lab |
| | | | | project): Shah, Lesson 10, pages |
| | | | | 10-1 through 10-3 only. Also read |
| | | | | "RS-232" a Tutorial from Tel-Aviv |
| | | | | University. (There is a link in |
| | | | | the list above.) |
| | | | | |
| 4| 2/06 | 2/13 | 3/25 | A one page cover memo with attached|
| | | | | final documentation for your |
| | | | | portion of the lab project. |
| | | | | |
| | | | | New Reading (unrelated to the lab |
| | | | | project): browse the "Ethernet |
| | | | | Tutorial" from the University of |
| | | | | Brighton. In the "Contents Page" |
| | | | | Give special attention to the |
| | | | | Physical Topology, Medium Access |
| | | | | Control, and Frames and Packets. |
| | | | | |
| 5| 3/12 | 3/27 | 4/15 | From the handout on T-lines by |
| | | | | Stone: 2.1, 2.2 |
| 6| 3/25 | 3/27 | --- | Read "Understanding Interference- |
| | | | | Type Noise" (see link above) |
| | | | | Also read "Shielding and Guarding" |
| | | | | (see link above) |
| 7| 4/03 | 4/15 | 4/22 | From the handout on T-lines by |
| | | | | Stone: 2.3, 2.5, 2.6 |
| | | | | On 4/10 the due date was extended |
| | | | | from 4/10 to 4/15 |
LABS (Last Update:
---- 4/15/03 11:26 am)
|LB|ASSIGNED| DUE |RETURNED| Problems Assigned |
| #| / \ | |
| 1| 1/16 | 1/16 | 1/21 | Introduction to the Logic Analyzer |
| | | | | |
| | | | | Turn in annotated list output from |
| | | | | the logic analyzer at end of lab. |
| | | | | (to be graded as homework) |
| 2| 1/23 | --- | | Interfacing static RAM to the Z-80 |
| 3| 1/30 | | | An interrupt driven real-time |
| | | | | clock with seven-seg. display for |
| | | | | a Z-80 CPU. With project report. |
| | | | | (3 weeks of lab time was expected--|
| | | | | the due date has been extended.) |
| 4| 4/03 | 4/15 | | Transmission Lines. |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
Report #1 on project #1, the interrupt-driven real-time clock due
4/25. Write up your assigned part of the over-all project
as a formal report. Include the code you have written and
explain how to properly use it. Also include a copy of the
entire project code (as an appendix perhaps). The due date on
this project had been slipping each week. On 4/15 it was
firmly set at 11:40 am, 4/24. Penalty--one letter grade at
each 11:40 am Tu and Th. (One report per person in the
Report #2 on project #2, the transmission line lab. Each team
must write a report that addresses the issues and questions in
the lab handout. The report should include photographs of the
reflections (as seen on the oscilloscope) with
explanations. (One report per team of 3.) Due 5/1 at 11:40
am. Penalty: one letter grade per 24 hours (Sunday excepted).
TESTS (Last Update:
----- 5/01/03 11:15 am)
Test #1, Thursday, 2/20. Covered power supplies, interrupts and
use of the stack, basic concepts in assembly language, RS-
232, ethernet. One crib sheet and a calculator were
allowed. A booklet of tables similar to 2 through 16 from
the Zilog Z-80 User's Manual was provided with the test.
(The tables were corrected versions of what is in the Zilog
manual.) Handed back on 2/25.
Test #2, Thursday 4/17, Covered Transmission lines, grounding,
and shielding. One crib sheet and a calculator were
allowed. (On april 3 the original test date of 4/10 was
changed to 4/17.) Handed back on 4/29.
Final exam, Monday 5/5, 1:15 - 3:15, will cover the entire
course. Specifically, the topics listed for tests one and
two plus hardware I/O techniques (LED,s, LCDs and
multiplexing of LCD displays, protection from inductive
loads), stepper motors, position sensing. Two crib sheets
and a calculator will be allowed. The Zilog data sheets
from the first test will again be provided with the exam.
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