PS # |
| Due |
Problems Assigned
(In Dorf & Svoboda unless otherwise noted)
| 12/09 |
--- --- | --- |
Read 12.6 Study for the final exam which will be Wednesday, December 16, from 3:30 to 5:30 pm. |
| 12/07 |
12/09 12/09 at 5:00 PM | 12/10 at 3:00 PM |
Read 12.1, 12,2, 12.3, 12.4, 12.5 Do P12.3-1, P12.4-3, P12.5-1 On Wednesday, 12/09 there will be a box labeled "EGR 220 Homework" near Prof. De Boer's office door. Drop your homework in the box by 5 PM Wednesday, 12/09 for final grading. This problem set will be graded and ready for pickup by 5 PM Thursday, 12/10. Pick your homework up from Prof. De Boer's plastic bin near the engineering pod door. Note: On Wednesday, 12/09, when this problem set was due for peer grading Prof. De Boer noticed that problem 12.5-1 requires reading of Section 12.6 in order to understand how to work the problem. Thus assignment 40 was added. |
| --- |
--- --- | --- |
Review 11.4 Read 11.10 Do P11.4-4 and prove your results, P11-10.2, P11-10-4 Note errata on P11.4-4 NOTE: THIS WILL NEVER BE ASSIGNED |
| 12/04 |
12/07 12/09 | 12/10 at 3:00 PM |
Review 11.4, Read 11.6 Do P11.4-1c and prove your result, P11.6-1 This problem set will be graded and ready for pickup by 5 PM Thursday, 12/10. Pick your homework up from Prof. De Boer's plastic bin near the engineering pod door. |
| 12/02 |
12/04 12/07 | 12/09 |
Review 11.4, Read 11.5 Do P11.4-1b and prove your result, P11.5-4 |
| 11/23 |
12/02 12/04 | 12/07 |
Read 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4 Do P11.3-1, P11.3-4, P11.4-1a For problem P11.4-1 do part a only, but use Equation 11.4-3 (page 475) to prove the result. |
| 11/20 |
11/23 12/02 | 12/04 |
Read 10.9, 10.10, 10.11 Do P10.9-1, P10.10-2, P10.11-4 Note errata on Page 460 (Relates to P10.11-4) |
| 11/18 |
11/20 11/23 | 12/02 |
Read 10.7, 10.8 Do P10.7-3, P10.8-2, P10.8-3 Note errata on P10.7-3 and P10.8-2 |
| 11/16 |
11/18 11/20 | 11/23 |
Read 10.5, 10.6 Optional reading: Prof. DB's notes, Siusoidal Steady-State Prof. DB's notes, Review Complex Numbers Do P10.5-3, P10.5-4, P10.6-2 Note: In this text, notation such as Cejw means the same thing as C/w where w is in degrees. Note errata on P10.5-3 Note errata on P10.5-4 Note errata on P10.6-2 |
| 11/13 |
11/16 11/18 | 11/20 |
Read 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4 Do P10.3-1, P10.3-3, P10.3-6 |
| 11/11 |
11/13 11/16 | 11/18 |
Review 9.3, Read 9.4, 9.5 Do P9.3-2 (use the operator method) P 9.4-1 (note that you start with the answer to P9.3-2 which is given in P9.3-2) P9.5-1 Note errata on P9.3-2 |
| 11/09 |
11/11 11/13 | 11/16 |
Reveiw 9.3 Do P9.3-1 except use the operator method P9.3-2 except use the direct method Note errata on P9.3-1 and errata on P9.3-2 |
| 11/06 |
11/09 11/11 | 11/13 |
Read 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 Do P9.3-1, and note errata on 9.3-1 Hints: Note that in Table 9.3-1 on page 353 of your text, variable x2(t) is the one you will eventually leave in the differential equation, thus vc(t) plays the role of x2(t). In step two, for this problem consider a KVL equation around the outer loop. For step three, consider a KCL equation at the top right node. Manipulate that equation as needed to get it into the form iL(t) = . . . and further manipulate it to the form diL(t)/dt = . . . Use both forms in step four as needed to eliminate iL(t) and diL(t)/dt from the step two equation. |
| 11/02 |
11/06 11/09 | 11/11 |
Read 8.7, 8.8, Scan 8.9, 8.10 Do P8.7-2, P8.7-4 Note: On page 331 our texbook mentions MATLAB's "dsolve" function. This function is not supported on Dordt's version of MATLAB. The main point is that sometimes people use the symbol D instead of s to represent the differential operator. Hints for P8-7-2: 1.) Let iL be the current downward through the inductor. 2.) Consider initial conditions for iL and v at t = 0– 3.) Consider initial conditions for iL and v at t = 0+ 4.) Write KCL at top right node, valid for t > 0. Use variables iL(t) and v(t). 5.) Use the equation iL(t) = (1/L)∫v(t)dt to eliminate iL(t) from the KCL equation. 6.) Differentiate both sides of the KCL equation and solve the resulting D.E. for v(t). (Also study for the test on Wednesday, 11/04) |
| 10/30 |
11/02 11/06 | 11/09 |
Review 8.4, Read 8.5, 8.6 Do P8.4-4, P8.5-2, P8.6-4 Note errata on pages 314 and 315. Optional reading about artificial pacemakers. Optional reading about the engineer who designed the first wearable pacemaker, Bakken. |
| 10/28 |
10/30 11/02 | 11/06 |
Review 8.3, Read 8.4 Do 8.3-8, P8.4-1 Note errata on P8.4-1. |
| 10/26 |
10/28 10/30 | 11/02 |
Review as needed in Ch. 7 and Sup7.11 Read Chapter 8 introduction and 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 Do P7.6-5, P8.3-1, P8.3-7 Note errata on P8.3-1. Optional reading relating to P8.3-7 Optional 18 min. video includes the scene shown as a still photo on page 340 in our text. (The scene occurs at about 11:14 in the video.) A color version of the photo in our text. |
| 10/23 |
10/26 10/28 | 10/30 |
Read 7.8, 7.9, 7.14 (We will skip 7.10, 7.13) Optional review: read Section 7.12 Do 7.8-1, P7.9-1 |
| 10/21 |
10/23 10/26 | 10/28 |
Review as needed 7.3, 7.44, 7.11, Sup7.11 Read 7.6, 7.7, 7.8 Optional reading, "Inductor" in Wikipedia Do P7.4-3, P7.6-3, P7.7-2 Note errata on P7.6-3. Note: On Wednesday, 10/28, at 4:24 PM the posted solutions for this problem set were updated to include a MathCAD version of the solution to P7.4-3. |
| 10/19 |
10/21 10/23 | 10/26 |
Reveiw Chapter 6 and 7.1 through 7.4 as needed. Read 7.5 Do P6.5-4, P7.3-4, P7.5-1 |
| 10/16 |
10/19 10/21 | 10/23 |
Read 7.11 and the supplement to 7.11
Do P7.4-1 Note: in P7.4-1 you should find closed form mathematical functions to express the results to be plotted. These functions will have to be shown in piecewise form. Then plot these functions via a computer or accurately by hand. (Matlab or Mathcad are strongly recommended.) Note errata on Page 275, Equation 7.11-1. Note: P7.4-1 can be made more challenging by determining and plotting for 0 < t < 8 s. |
| 10/14 |
10/16 10/19 | 10/21 |
Review Chapter 6 and 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 as needed. Read 7.4 Do P6.6-7, P7.3-3 |
| 10/12 |
10/14 10/16 | 10/19 |
Review Chapters 1 - 6 as needed Read 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 Optional reading, "Capacitor" in Wikipedia Optional reading, "Potentiometer" in Wikipedia Do DP3-1, P6.4-6, P7.3-1 Note errata on DP3-1. |
| 10/09 |
10/12 10/14 | 10/16 |
Review Ch 1 - 5 as needed Read 6.6, 6.11, 6.12 Do VP2-2, VP2-3, P6.6-3 subject to the restriction that no resistor may be larger than 500 k ![]() smaller than 500 ![]() Note that VP2-3 is not in your textbook. Click the link to see the problem statement. |
| 10/07 |
10/09 10/12 | 10/14 |
Review Ch 1 - 5 as needed Read 6.5 Do P4.7-4, P4.7-9, P6.5-1 |
| 10/05 |
10/07 10/09 | 10/12 |
Review Ch 1 - 5 as needed Read 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 Do P4.5-7, P6.4-1, P6-4-2 Note: P4.5-7 is not in your text. Click the link to see the problem statement. |
| 9/28 |
10/05 10/07 | 10/09 |
Review Ch 4, 5 Do SP4-4, SP4.1, P5.6-2 Note: SP4-4 and SP4.1 can be done during lab. (Also study for the Test on Wednesday, 9/30.) |
| 9/25 |
9/28 10/05 | 10/07 |
Review 5.1 through 5.7, Skip 5.8, Read 5.9, 5.10, 5.11 Do P5.4-3, P5.5-9, P5.7-5 Note errata on P5.5-9 part (b). |
| 9/23 |
9/25 9/28 | 10/05 |
Read 5.6, 5.7. Note errata in table 5.6-1 Do P5.6-4, P5.7-2, P5.7-3 Note errata on answer to P5.6-4. Start reviewing for the test on Wednesday, 9/30. |
| 9/21 |
9/23 9/25 | 9/28 |
Read 5.5. Note errata in Table 5.5-1 Do P5.5-1 P5.5-4 Hint: Use nodal or mesh analysis to find voc or isc, P5.5-6 Note errata on Problem P5.5-6. |
| 9/18 |
9/21 9/23 | 9/25 |
Read 5.4 Do P5.4-1, P5.4-2, P5.4-4 |
| 9/16 |
9/18 9/21 | 9/23 |
Scan over 4.8, 4.11, 4.12, Read 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 Do P4.7-4, P4.7-12, P5.3-1 Note errata on P4.7-12. Also note errata on page 182, (P5.3-1). |
| 9/14 |
9/16 9/18 | 9/21 |
Review 4.6, Read 4.7 Do 4.6-4, 4.6-5, 4.7-2 |
| 9/11 |
9/14 9/16 | 9/18 |
Review 4.4, 4.5, Read 4.6 Do 4.4-6, 4.5-4, 4.6-1 |
| 9/09 |
9/11 9/14 | 9/16 |
Read 4.4, 4.5 Do P4.4-3, P4.4-4, P4.5-1 |
| 9/07 |
9/09 9/11 | 9/14 |
Read 4,1, 4.2, 4.3 Do P4.3-2, P4.3-3, P4.3-4 |
| 9/04 |
9/07 9/09 | 9/11 |
Read 3.6 through 3.11 Do P3.5-5, P3.7-3, P3.7-5 |
| 9/02 |
9/04 9/07 | 9/09 |
Read 3.4, 3.5 Do P3.4-4, P3.4-5, P3.5-3 Note errata on P3.5-3. |
| 8/31 |
9/02 9/04 | 9/07 |
Read 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 Do P2.10-2, VP2-1, P3.3-2 Note errata on VP2-1. |
| 8/28 |
8/31 9/02 | 9/04 |
Read 2.7 through 2.13 Do P2.7-1, P2.7-2, P2.8-1, P2.10-1 |
| 8/26 |
8/28 8/31 | 9/02 See note 2 below |
Scan Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 through Section 2.6. Review as necessary. You may also refer to the EGR 103 handout. (103 Handout available via courses@dordt here) Do P1.3-4, P1.6-2, P1.6-3, P2.5-7. Bring homework questions to class on Friday. Note errata on P1.3-4. |
Note 1) |
Homework must be ready for peer grading and discussion in
class on the first listed due date. It must be turned in for a
final grade on the second listed due date. Peer grading will be
1/5 (20%) of the homework grade.
Note 2) |
If the "Returned" date is a link, then solutions are available
to students in the current semester's course. The links are
served by the courses@dordt system. If you click the link and
get a login screen, use your usual courses@dordt login. Then use
the back icon (or alt-left-arrow on the keyboard) twice to get
back to the link and click it again. The link only works after
you are logged in.
Note 3) |
Problems sets shown above with no "assigned" date are
tentative. More problems might be added, expected due dates
might change, but problems shown will eventually be assigned.
Note 4) |
If you are having difficulty reading the latest version of this
page it may have to do with your browser's cached memory. Read
this note on
cached pages to solve the problem.
Note 5) | Your textbook includes "Exercises" which are embedded within the chapters and "Problems" which are found at the end of each chapter. Items in the lists above that start with "P" are problems—look for them at the end of the chapter. Items that start with "Ex" are Exercises—look for them in the body of the chapter. Items that start with "VP" or "DP" are also found at the end of the chapter, after the "P" problems. |