VP 2-3    The circuit shown in Figure VP 2.2 (below) is used to measure the current in resistor R that is color coded as 750 ohms with a 2% tolerance (violet, green, brown, red) and is sized as 1/4 W. It is known that vs = 1.200 V. The meter is not ideal. It has a voltage burden of 0.0800 V. The meter has an uncertainty of 0.5% of the reading plus 2d. It is set to the 2 mA range. Your lab partner expects the reading to be 1.200 V/750 ohms = 1.60 mA. The reading actually is 1.51 mA.

a.) Your partner has concluded that the actual resistance of the resistor is about 795 ohms. Do you agree? If not, what is your best estimate of the resistance?

b.) Your partner has concluded that this resistor is definitely out-of-specification. Do you agree? Explain your conclusion.

For Figure VP2-2 see textbook page 56.