VP 2-3 The circuit shown in Figure VP 2.2 (below) is used to measure the current in resistor R that is color coded as 750 with a 2% tolerance (violet, green, brown, red) and is sized as 1/4 W. It is known that vs = 1.200 V. The meter is not ideal. It has a voltage burden of 0.0800 V. The meter has an uncertainty of 0.5% of the reading plus 2d. It is set to the 2 mA range. Your lab partner expects the reading to be 1.200 V/750 = 1.60 mA. The reading actually is 1.51 mA. a.) Your partner has concluded that the actual resistance of the resistor is about 795 . Do you agree? If not, what is your best estimate of the resistance? b.) Your partner has concluded that this resistor is definitely out-of-specification. Do you agree? Explain your conclusion.