Professor De Boer's list of
                         TEXTBOOK ERRATA
                     (Last update: 11/14/06) 
                      Proakis and Manolakis
              Digital Signal Processing Principles,
            Algorithms, and Applications, 3rd Edition
                       Prentice Hall, 1996.

  (Some of these errata may have been fixed in later printings.)

p 42,  Problem 1.14.  Change the last question in the problem 
       from "What is the maximum frequency that can be present in 
       the resulting digital seismic signal?" to "What is the 
       folding frequency of this sampling process?"  (The 
       answer to the original question is simply 1/2.  Not a very 
       interesting problem.  The answer key reveals that the new 
       question was the author's intent.)  (Posted 1/19/06)
p 64, Fig 2.2.4(d).  The "+" sign should be a "x" sign.
p 176, Fig. 3.8.  There should be no zero at z = a.  (White out
       the zero located on the postive real axis.)
p 152, Example 3.1.1.  In the given problem statement, if an 
       arrow is not shown to mark sample number zero, then the 
       first sample in the list is sample number zero.  (This is
       not errata.  This standard notation is defineed on page 
       44 of this text.)  
p 268, Equation on second line of the page.  Change the last 
       exponent from "j(w-pi/2)" to "j(w-pi)/2".
p 305, Table 4.6  In the expression for x(n) that is one panel 
       down in the left column, replace the second instance of 
       "|n| <= L" with "|n| > L".
p 531, In the equation closest to the center of the page, replace 
       " - 12.90" with " + 12.90" in the first numerator.
p 532, Figure 7.22(b).  Change the -12.9 coefficient to +12.9.  

Disclaimer:  This list of errata is provided by Professor De 
   Boer for the use of his students in his courses.  Professor De 
   Boer has no connection to the book's publisher or the authors 
   of the textbook.  This list is offered as is, with no 
   guarantee of any kind.  (This list is likely to be incomplete 
   at the least.) 

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