GwInstek GFG-3015 quick start guide: ------------------------------------------------------ To clear all settings (RESET): To RESET the signal generator: press "SHIFT" and then "RS-232/DEFAU." This will set the signal generator to a 10 KHz sine wave with 5 V peak output (if no load). This will also clear any other unusual settings a previous user might have made. ------------------------------------------------------ To control the MAIN output: The MAIN output can produce signals up to 15 MHz with up to 10 volts peak-to-peak open circuit voltage. The actual (peak- to-peak) open circuit source voltage for the MAIN output is TWICE the displayed amplitude. If the load resistance attached to the signal generator is 5000 Ω or more, then just set the displayed output for HALF of the desired peak-to- peak output voltage. For example, if you want a sine wave such s 4.00sin(1000*2*pi*t) volts, which is an 8 V peak-to- peak sine wave, set the amplitude to 4 Vpp. The MAIN output has an internal 50 Ω Thevenin resistance in series with it. (The 50 Ω resistor is inside the signal generator. You cannot avoid it.) If the load attached to the signal generator is less than 5000 Ω, then this resistance may cause the signal voltage at the MAIN terminals to be less than the open circuit voltage. In fact, if the load is 50 Ω, that is, matched to the signal generator, then the displayed peak-to-peak amplitude is the correct terminal voltage and the peak-to- peak open circuit voltage is, as always, twice the displayed amount. WAVEFORM: 1.) First, be sure "modulation" and "trigger" are not turned on. Look in the lower left corner of the display for the "MOD/SWP" rectangle. In there look for the "ON/OFF" display. The little circle should be dark. If there is a green indicator lit, press the large grey "MOD ON" button to turn the modulation off. 2.) To the left of the "MOD/SWP" box on the display there is a "TRIG" box. If the "ON/OFF" indicator here is not dark, press the white "TRIG ON" button to extinguish the indicator. 3.) Look along the very top row of the display. The waveform is displayed here just to the right of the word "FUNC." A sine, triangle, or square wave may be selected by pressing the large grey "FUNC" button. Every press of the "FUNC" button changes the waveform. 4.) Press "DUTY." The word "DUTY" blinks in the display to indicate that you may now change the duty factor. Normally you will want a 50% duty factor and normally that will be the default--in which case you may go on to the next step. There are two ways to change the duty factor when the "DUTY" indicator is blinking in the display: Press number buttons and then "DEG %." (The units are %.) or Rotate the knob. The duty factor may be anything from 20% to 80% at frequencies up to 1 MHz. Above 1 MHz duty factors other than 50% are not supported but can be set, usually causing frequency errors. FREQUENCY: Press the large grey "FREQ" button. The word "FREQ" blinks in the display to indicate that you may now change the frequency. There are two ways to change the frequency: Press number buttons and then a units button such as "MHz dbm" or "KHz Vrms" or "Hz Vpp" or Rotate the knob. The frequency may be anything from 0.01 Hz to 15.0 MHz AMPLITUDE: Press the large grey "AMPL" button. The word "AMPL" blinks in the display to indicate that you may now change the amplitude. There are two ways to change the amplitude: Press number buttons and then a units button such as "MHz dbm" or "KHz Vrms" or "Hz Vpp" or Rotate the knob. The amplitude may be set for: 0.01 Vpp to 10.0 Vpp or 0.01 Vrms to 5.00 Vrms or -32.9 dBm to +26.9 dBm The above assumes the offset is zero. (See OFFSET, below.) The output voltage is only accurate if there is a 50 ohm load connected. If the there is no load or if the load is greater than 5000 ohms, then the output will be twice the displayed amount. (e.g. you set 5.00 Vpp. With no load you will actually have 10.00 Vpp.) OFFSET: Press the large grey "OFFSET" button. The word "OFFS" blinks in the display to remind you that you may change the DC offset. There are two ways to change the DC offset. Press number buttons and then "Hz Vpp" or Rotate the knob. The magnitude of the offset decreases the maximum available amplitude and vice-versa. The sum of the magnitude of the offset plus half the peak-to-peak amplitude (as displayed on the face of the signal generator) must always be less than or equal to 5.00 volts. (If you enter the amplitude in volts RMS or dbm then a more complicated relationship holds. Distortion is also possible if the equivalent peak voltage and the offset magnitude add up to more than 5.00 V.) The maximum range of the offset is -4.99 V to 4.99 V if the amplitude is set to to its minimum, 0.01 Vpp. The offset voltage is only accurate if there is a 50 ohm load connected. If the there is no load or if the load is greater than 5000 ohms, then the offset will be twice the displayed amount. (e.g. you set a 2.00 V offset. With no load you will actually have a 4.00 V offset.) ------------------------------------------------------ How to use the KNOB Generally, the knob will change the quantity indicated by a blinking word on the display. Pressing the white "<<" or ">>" buttons allows you to control which digit changes when you turn the knob. Pressing "HOLD" disables the knob. When the knob is disabled, "HOLD" is illuminated in the upper right corner of the display. (The keypad still works when "HOLD" is on.) Press "HOLD" again to re-enable the knob. ------------------------------------------------------- To control the MOD output The MOD output can be used as a second signal generator. It is of lower quality than the MAIN output. The maximum frequency is limited to 10 kHz. The amplitude is not adjustable. It has an open circuit voltage of about 4 Vpp and a thevenin equivalent source resistance of about 10 kΩ. Note: To use the MOD output you usually DO NOT want to turn the "modulator" on. Turn the modulation on if and only if you want the MAIN output to be modulated by the MOD output. If you do not understand what this is, you do not want MOD on! Look in the lower left corner of the display for the "MOD/SWP" rectangle. In there look for the "ON/OFF" display. The little circle will be dark if the modulator is off. If it has a lit green indicator, press the large grey "MOD ON" button to turn the modulation off. (Unless you really do want the modulator on.) WAVEFORM Look in the lower left area of the display for the "MOD/SWP" box. The selected waveform is displayed here or "EXT" is displayed. 1.) If "EXT" shows, press "SHIFT" "RATE (MOD INT/EXT)" to extinguish the "EXT" display and show a waveform instead. 2.) To change the waveform, press "SHIFT," then "SPAN (SOURCE)." Every press of these two buttons changes the waveform. You may select sine, triangle, or square waves. 3.) Press "SYM." "SYM" blinks in the display to indicate that you may change the duty factor of the MOD output. Usually you will want 50% duty. There are two ways to change the duty factor of the MOD output. Press number buttons and then "DEG %." (the units) or Rotate the knob. The duty factor may be anything from 10% to 90%. FREQUENCY Press "RATE". "RATE" blinks in the display to indicate that you may change the frequency (rate) of the MOD output. There are two ways to change the frequency: Press number buttons and then a units button such as "MHz dbm" or "KHz Vrms" or "Hz Vpp" or Rotate the knob. The frequency may be anything from 0.01 Hz to 10.0 KHz AMPLITUDE Not adjustable. Always close to 2.0 Vpp into a 10 kohm load or 4.0 Vpp into an open circuit. OFFSET Not adjustable. Always zero.