Guest Access to Professor De Boer's Professor De Boer considers requests for guest access to his courses@dordt web pages on a case-by-case basis. Generally anyone who has a valid but temporary interest in a course may have guest access. This includes relatives of students, other faculty members who want to know what is happening in the course, Dordt graduates who have taken the course, and high-school students who are considering attending Dordt College. Others who have valid interests might also be granted guest access. The courses@dordt web pages are not open to the public at large due to copyright restrictions on some of the material posted there. Guest access allows you to see virtually everything posted electronically that a student in the course can see. This includes electronic copies of most course handouts and lab handouts. Guests do not have access to any grades or lists of students however. To gain guest access to Professor De Boer's courses@dordt web pages, send him an e-mail. Include the following in your e-mail:
You will receive a personal reply within a few days. (Except if you make your request when classes are not in session. Then it might take a few weeks if Professor De Boer is on vacation.) If guest access is granted, you will receive further instructions and a password. To give you some idea of what else is available on course@dordt, an old screen-shot is available for the EGR 220 course. The links on that page won't work because it is just a screen-shot. The style of course@dordt has changed over the years, but the screen shot gives you a good idea of the type of content available. Ask for guest access if you want a functional page. (Click your browser's back arrow icon or press alt-leftarrow to get back to the page you came from.) |