M W F |
1/13 |
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Ch. 1, Intro., Web page tour, Homework, Ch. Capacity (1st day of class.) |
M W F |
1/16 1/18 1/20 |
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Channel model, Experiment v. theory, signal models, intro matlab Matlab & Matrix multiplication, Ch. 2, common signals, two sinc functions Symmetry (even, odd, Hermitian), power (watts v. watts relative to 1 Ω) |
M W F |
1/23 1/25 1/27 |
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Pwr complex signal, Time-avg pwr, Power & Energy signals, Linear Sys System types: linear, continuous, time invariant, causal, v. opposites Review sifting property of impulse, stair-step approx, intro convolution |
M W F |
1/30 2/01 2/03 |
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An example of convolution, Properties of convolution A review of complex numbers Conclusion complex numbers, Intro transforms--change of perspective |
M W F |
2/06 2/08 2/10 |
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Introduction to Fourier Series, The Quintessential Example Spectrograms, F.S. of a cosine, Discussion: application of F.S. to photos F.S. of common signals, Exponential, Trigonometric, Compact F.S. |
M W F |
2/13 2/15 2/17 |
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Properties of Fourier Series, Parseval's Theorem Test #1. Intro Fourier Transform, Quintessential Ex, Duality, 1 ↔ δ(f) and δ(t) ↔ 1 |
M W F |
2/20 2/22 2/24 |
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F.T.: Duality, Linearity, Symmetry, time, freq shift, Mod, deriv, integration F.T.: Energy Spectrum, Parseval, Conv in time mult in freq, Autocorr Ch. 3 AM Intro to DSB-LC, Spectrum of DSB-SC, Autotune |
M W F |
2/27 3/01 3/03 |
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Merits of a modulation: BW, Pwr, noise; Carrier recovery, Normalization DSB-LC envelope detection. Efficiency of DSB-LC DSB modulation: DSP, Bal. mod., sq.-law, switching, non-lin; Intro QAM |
M W F |
3/06 3/08 3/10 |
No class, Spring Break. No class, Spring Break. No class, Spring Break. |
M W F |
3/13 3/15 3/17 |
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No class, Spring Break. Detail on QAM; AM-stereo, NTSC (analog) color TV applications of QAM More on TV, other AM mods e.g. M-QAM, Freq. Division Multiplexing (FDM) |
M W F |
3/20 3/22 3/24 |
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FDM, TRF, Regenerative tuning, Superhetrodyne tuning Superheterodyne tuning in detail, Image and spurious frequencies Double conversion superheterodyne, Single Sideband (SSB), Hilbert |
M W F |
3/27 3/29 3/31 |
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SSB demod via carrier injection (BFO), analytic signals, hearing loop Test #2. Ch. 4 FM, Intro to FM, How radio signals "look", Comparison, AM vs. FM |
M W F |
4/03 4/05 4/07 |
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Equ'n of angle mod., var defined, FM-PM compared, def. freq., Narrow B Tx antenna techniques, NBFM via QAM, Wideband & Bessel functions. Easter Break (no class) |
M W F |
4/10 4/12 4/14 |
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Easter Break (no class) Bessel Fn table, FM B'cast Tx block diagrams, FM B'cast spectrum FM B'cast Rx block diagrams, FM demodulators |
M W F |
4/17 4/19 4/21 |
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On video: review of FM reception. Slides & video: Intro to noise Noise quieting and capture effect for FM and PM, Intro to color theory Rods & cones and human eye, color thry Term Paper Due Friday, 4/21 |
M W F |
4/24 4/26 4/28 |
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NTSC analog color video, color image formats and image compression Ch 5, Probability and Random Processes, Basic definitions Probabilities of ![]() |
M W F |
5/01 5/03 5/05 |
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Defn of Random variable, CDF, PDF, Important types of random variables nCr, nPr, w/replacement, Random Variables as models of systems Central limit Thm, more Ch 5 slides, Academy Awards Last day of class |