PS # | Assigned | Due | Returned | Assignment |
| 5/01 | 5/05 | 5/05 |
Read the classroom slides on security. Do |
| 4/21 | 4/28 | 5/05 |
Read this classroom slides on transmission lines. Look over these application notes from Texas Instruments on transmission lines. The section in AN-807 on the "tabular method" may optionally be helpful on this homework assignment but is not necessary to solve the homework problems. AN-806, and AN-807, and AN-808. Do Optional: A transmission line theory tutorial Optional: Video on VSWR and return loss Optional: Video on Crossneedle VSWR meters |
| 4/17 | 4/21 | 4/22 |
Topics: Privacy & Security in Embedded Systems Message Brokering Services Read: Chapter 17 "Security and Privacy" in Section III of our textbook. Also read Message Brokers from IBM. Do these problems from your textbook, 17.1, 17.3 For problem 17.1, Example 17.2 is on page 475. Hint: In the state diagram for Problem 17.3 the open arrows (no labels) pointing into states "A" and "B" indicate that on power up the state machine will be in either state at random. |
| 3/31 | 4/12 | 4/20 |
Topics: Synchronous serial interfacing, USB Browse: the Universal Serial Bus Specification version 2.0 (Click the link above and download the zip file. Then within the zip file find file usb20.pdf. Browse that file.) Read: Selected pages of the above file as suggested in the essay questions. Download these essay questions. questions. Turn in the assignment by uploading to Canvas in the usual way. (click the due date.) Optional: Browse the entire web site of The specs. are in the "document library" which can be accessed from a small link in the fine-print near the bottom of the home page. |
| 3/24 | 3/31 |
Graded auto- matic- ally Nothing to return Sol'ns |
Topics: Synchronous serial interfacing, Ethernet Read this Ethernet Tutorial. E-mail your quiz grade to Prof. De Boer. You are encouraged to repeat the quiz until you get a perfect grade. Turn in only your best grade. Optional: Example Python sockets using TCP/IP Optional: Books in Dordt's Library Optional: Wikipedia article Ethernet |
| 3/17 | 3/24 | 3/25 |
Topics: Task scheduling, Measuring freq, period Memory, AC load control, Serial interfacing and RS-232, Ethernet Read RS-232 in Wikipedia Plot voltage vs. time of the Tx line in RS-232 for sending this text: "Z#" (without the quotation marks, with a capital "Z"). Assume ±12 V signal voltages, 53 kbaud, eight data bits, and one stop bit. Be sure to label your axes properly. An ASCII table can be found in many places, e.g. Note that the illustration in the Wikipedia reading does not have properly labeled axes. Specifically the the independent axis lacks scale and units. Optional: The entire RS-232 standard is available from Dordt's library. Interface Between Data Terminal Equipment And Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment Employing Serial Binary Data Interchange TK7887.5 .I57 1997 Optional: Read about teleprinters. Very Optional: Listen to a Teletype machine. And see a Teletype machine connected to a Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC, a brand) model PDP-8/e computer. This computer could be booted "manually" via a bank of switches that allows the direct entry of machine code word-by word, executing each instruction as fast as the operator can enter the code. Wow, that's fast! Optional: Example of RS-232 debug ports in various products leaving security vulnerabilities. |
| 3/03 | 3/17 | 3/17 |
Topics: Interrupts & Critical Regions Read: Class notes interrupts Also read Chapter 9 in Lee and Seshia |
| 2/17 | 3/03 | 3/04 |
Topics: Position sensing, interrupts Read: Class notes on position sensing including relative vs. absolute position, issues with vibration, quadrature sensing, V-scan and U-scan techniques. Also read Section 10.2 in Lee and Seshia Also read this overview on interrupts and this on Arduino interrupt programming Optional related information: Details on a particular relative encoder Wikipedia article: "Rotary encoder" Detail of a 13-bit grey code absolute encoder. Wikipedia on Single-track grey code If you are a fan of the Raspberry Pi and/or Multithreaded programming (a foundation for object-oriented programming) you might like to look at Ch 11 in Lee and Seshia. On Monday, 2/20 Prof dDB mentioned in class that the due date would be delayed to Monday, 2/27. That finally got posted here on Thursday evening, 2/23. On 2/24 Prof dDB further delayed it to Friday, 3/03. |
| 2/06 | 2/20 | 2/21 |
Topics: Digital-to-analog conversion, actuators solenoids, motors Scan through Chapters 2 and 3 of The Data Conversion Handbook, 2005 ed. Walt Kester. Browse these Wikipedia articles motors. 7 DC Motor Stepper Motor Switched Reluctance Motor AC Motor Also read Jones on Stepping Motors Helpful link: Lin model 211-13-01 and note the "Torque Curves" tab. (On Wed. 2/08 the due date was changed from 2/10 to 2/17. Then on 2/15 the due date was futher delayed to 2/20.) |
| 1/30 | 2/03 | 2/04 |
Topics: Driving powerful loads, switch debouncing source modeling, decibels, signals and wiring, single-ended vs. differential analog-to-digital conversion, aliasing. Read: Classroom slides. Lee & Sechia, all of Ch 7, and in Ch. 10 Sections 10.1.1, 10.1.2, 10.1.4, 10.1.5. Also draw a schematic to show to connect a hex-pad to an Arduino and be able to read the key-presses. Assume that the loop() program will repeat rapidly (at least 100 times a second). Specify how to connect the keypad to specific GPIO pins of the Arduino, how to set up each GPIO pin, and how to collect the key- presses in the loop procedure. Here is a typical hex keypad |
| 1/20 | 1/27 | 2/02 |
Topics: Parallel Interfacing, I/O drivers Read: Classroom slides. Multiplexing and Charlieplexing, Multiplexing a Keypad, Debouncing a switch or keyboard (don't miss p2) LED (LTL4243) information you will need is here. Use "Test Condition" or "Typical" data. Nominal forward current is 10 mA. (Abs. max. data is the verge of breakdown.) Use the due date link to turn work in. |
| 1/16 | 1/20 |
Topics: Version control of software Read: Classroom slides This assignment is designed to be worked mostly during the lab on Monday, 1/16. Your finished work will be in dDB's repo. No other work needs to be turned in. | |
| 1/13 | 1/16 |
Read the Preface and Chapter 1 from the Lee & Seshia textbook. View "Development Environments Overview" Briefly browse Getting Started with Arduino. Briefly browse this datasheet. Note the microcontroller chip on the Arduino Uno is part number "ATmega328P-PU" Turn all problem sets in electronically. For this assignment, save your answers as doc or docx format. Upload the file to Canvas by clicking on the due date (link) for this assignment. |
Note 1) |
Homework solutions are usually available one or two class periods
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black, not gold) then the solution is not yet posted. Check back
later. If you click the link and get a login screen instead of
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Note 2) |
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might change, but problems shown will eventually be assigned.
Note 3) | If you are having difficulty reading the latest version of this page it may have to do with your browser's cached memory. Read this note on cached pages to solve the problem. |