Additional notes
Any one of the three choices of textbooks listed above is sufficient for this course.
Each choice (if purchased new) provides identical content. Only the formats vary.
If a new hardcover or loose-leaf textbook is purchased it will include a valid access
code to "locked" content. However, the access code is not needed for this course.
If a used hardcover or loose-leaf textbook is purchased you should assume that the
access code that was sold with that book to the original purchaser will not be valid
for you, unless the seller warrants otherwise. A new access code can be purchased
online for $59.95. However, the access code is not needed for this course.
The textbook can be rented from
Vitalsource or Redshelf. A rental includes a valid
access code to the "locked" content. The semester duration will be from January 7,
2021 to May 7, 2021, a duration of 120 days. Understand when your rental days
begin to be counted and be sure the duration will last through May 6.