PS # | Assigned | Due | Returned | Assignment |
| --- | --- | --- |
Note: PS#9 is the last problem set for the semester. No further regular homework assignments will be made. Use the time to finish your project. |
| 4/05 | 4/18 | sol'n |
Topics: DAQ Hardware, Analog, digital signals Read in: Essick 3rd, Chapters 5, 8, 9 Or read: Essick 4th, Chapters 5, 6, 9, 10 All students should notice extended material contained on classroom slides for 4/04, 4/11 Do homework in 5.A, 8.1, 8.A, 9.1, 9.8 Or do homework in 5.A, 9.1, 8.A, 10.1, 10.6 A partial VI for problem 8.A is avalable here. You will need to unzip the folder you download. To make it work, you need to edit the file paths in the block diagram to match the place where you put the files. Some hints are Problem 8.A are available here. (Click this link to view homework problem 5.A.) (Click this link to view homework problem 8.A.) (No further problems will be added to this set.) (On 4/16 at about Noon Prof dDB changed Problem 10.8 to Problem 10.6 on the list of problems for the 4th edition of the textbook. This corrected a typogaphic error. The 4th edition has no Problem 10.8.) |
| 3/28 | 4/11 | sol'n |
Topics: NI LabVIEW MathScript, XY Plots, File/IO Read in: Essick 3rd, Chapters 4, 6 Or read: Essick 4th, Chapters 4, 7 Do homework in 4.2, 4.6, 6.3 Or do homework in 4.2, 4.6, 7.3 Hints: 4.2 Create x, y, in Mathscript, bundle, XY Graph x.3 For loop iterates from 0 to 3. Iteration can be used to make filenames unique. Each iteration opens, writes, closes a file. Text Section 6.8 or 7.8 is helpful. The Build Path function is helpful. |
| 3/21 | 4/04 | sol'n |
Topics: NI LabVIEW introduction, loops, wave- forms, data types, owned vs. free labels Read: Essick, Chapters 1, 2, and 3. Do homework in 1.1, 1.3 (optional: label the output "R1||R2" instead of "Equivalent Resistance."), 2.5, 2.7, 3.3, 3.9 Note: Turn in a word-processor document that has, for each assigned problem, the problem statement, one or more screen-shots of the front panel to illustrate interesting case(s), and a screen-shot of the block diagram. Each problem should start at the top of a page. Additionally, your document should abide by other course standards as usual. An example solution to illustrate the above requirements is available in MS Word format and PDF. Hint: Do you want to zoom in on your block diagram? View|Zoom is not available within LabVIEW, but the Windows Magnifier works. Note: The tip on the linked page about reducing screen resolution is far inferior for this particular need compared to learning to use Windows Magnifier. Additional hints can be found here. (On 3/27 at about 5:15 pm Prof dDB delayed the due date on this assignment by a week.) |
| 2/28 |
3/20 at 5:00 pm | --- |
Finish Project #1, Robot Arm or Color Sorter Details are on the course's Canvas page. Links for turning in your deliverables are also on the course's Canvas page. |
| 2/21 | 3/07 | sol'n |
Topics: Images, GUIs, built-in math functions Read: Attaway, Chapters 13, 14 Do homework in 13.3, 13.4, 13.12, 13.14, 13.19, 14.14, 14.23, 14.24 Note: Prof. dDB recommends MATLAB for problems in Chapter 13. GNU Octave starts showing incom- patibility with MATLAB when advanced features such as high-level I/O and GUI uicontrol are used. But. . . If you really try hard, GNU Octave can do these tasks. Keep these things in mind: • Octave does not support nested functions. • Octave does not fully support local functions. Put functions in their own files instead. • Octave does not fully support the dot method. Use • You may need to load packages. Yeh. . . It's easier just to follow the high- level methods in Attaway's text using MATLAB. Note: You have two weeks to do this assignment because it will take a while. Suggestion: Get |
| 2/14 | 2/21 | sol'n |
Topics: High- and low-level I/O. object- oriented programming, version control. Read: Attaway, Chapters 9, 11, classroom slides Do homework in 9.3, 9.9, 9.23, 11.2 Help on Problem 11.2 available here. No need to spend time making files. Spreadsheet for 9.3 can be downloaded here File for 9.23 can be downloaded here In most browsers, after clicking the links above choose "Save File". In some browsers, right-click the link, then choose "Save link as". Still other browsers offer other choices that work such as, "Save target". |
| 2/07 | 2/14 | 2/28 |
Topics: Text manipulation: character arrays and strings; Data structures Read: Attaway, Chapters 7, 8 Do homework in 7.26, 7.29, 7.35, 8.5, 8.13, 8.25 Help on Problem 7.35 avalable here. A helpful script for Problem 8.25 is here. |
| 1/31 | 2/07 | sol'n |
Topics: Program flow control (for, while, etc.) allocating memory, checking inputs, vectorizing code, types of functions, passing parameters to and from functions scope of variables, persistence, debugging Read: Attaway, Chapters 5, 6 Do homework in 5.16, 5.25, 5.37, 5.41, 6.29, or do 5.15, 5.27, 5.41, 5.44, 6.30, Hints: In Problem In Problem |
| 1/24 | 2/02 | 2/07 |
Topics: Input, output, scope, if, switch Read: Attaway, Chapters 3, 4 Do homework in 3.8, 3.10, 3.13, 3.15, 3.25, 3.30 4.7, 4.21, 4.24, 4.30 or do 3.8, 3.13, 3.14, 3.18, 3.26, 3.33, 4.8, 4.22, 4.24, 4.31 In your solution set, when scripts and/or functions are requested, also cut-and-paste some examples from the command window to show that your code works. You will have to use some judgement to decide just what and how much to include. Examples of MATLAB scripts and functions here. Browsing this code may give you hints, style tips, and other help. You may use the functions in your own work too, or you find any of them useful. To see the functions, save the Zip file on your local media, then open them in MATLAB or GNU Octave or if you are just looking, you may open them in Windows Notepad or Notepad++. You may run any of the scripts to see what they do. To run them you must decompress the Zip file. (On the due date was originally 1/31, but due to school closure for bad weather it was changed to Saturday, 2/01 at 11:59 pm.) |
| 1/17 | 1/24 |
1/31 |
Topics: Course intro, Matlab intro, variables, operators, expressions, vectors, matrices Read: Attway, Chapters 1, 2 Do homework in 1.25, 1.12, 1.30, 2.8, 2.13, 2.25, 2.31, 2.41 or do option #1 (preferred) in 1.29, 1.15, 1.34, 2.8, 2.15 2.28, 2.34, 2.44 or do option #2 (harder?) in 1.25, 1.12, 1.30, 2.8, 2.13 2.25, 2.31, 2.41 |
Note 1) |
Turn your homework in electronically. Homework is due at 10:50
AM on the date shown. Click the due-date and follow on-screen
directions to turn your homework in. Usually you will upload
exactly one word-processor file. Be sure your file meets the
course standards, including appropriate page headers, problem
statements, etc.
Note 2) |
Homework solutions are usually available one or two class periods
after the due date. Click the "returned date" on this page to
access the solutions. If the "Returned" date is not a link (is
black, not gold) then the solution is not yet posted. Check back
later. If you click the link and get a login screen instead of
the solutions, log in using your usual courses@dordt username and
password. Then use the back icon (or alt-left-arrow on the
keyboard) twice to get back to the link on this page and click
the link again. The link only works when you are logged in to
Note 3) |
Problems sets shown above with no "assigned" date are
tentative. More problems might be added, expected due dates
might change, but problems shown will eventually be assigned.
Note 4) | If you are having difficulty reading the latest version of this page it may have to do with your browser's cached memory. Read this note on cached pages to solve the problem. |