PS # | Assigned | Due | Returned | Assignment |
| 4/20 | 4/27 | 5/01 |
Topics: A/D and D/A conversion Read: Slides from class. Scan through Chapters 2 and 3 of The Data Conversion Handbook, 2005 ed. Walt Kester. Work the following problems; 1.) A cell-phone quality voice signal was converted from analog to digital with a sampling rate of 8 kHz and 8 bits-sample. Unfortunately the anti-aliasing filter used was improperly designed. It actually had a cutoff frequency of of 8 kHz. Using graphs, show what happens if a 5 kHz sinusoid is passed through this poorly designed digital to analog converter. (Ref: class slides from 4/13 and Ch. 2 of handbook, pages 2.27-31 or pages 29-33 in some PDF readers. Especially note Figure 2.30 in the handbook.) 2.) An 8-bit dual-slope analog to digital is desired to operate at 1000 samples per second. Specify the necessary minimum clock rate for the used in this converter. Explain your answer. (Ref: Ch 3 of handbook, pages 3.96, 3.97 or pages 98 and 99 in some PDF readers.) 3.) Design a R-2R D/A converter with an 8-bit unsigned binary input to produce an output that spans from 0 volts to 2.55 volts maximum. Provide a complete schematic in the style of the slide from class on 4/18. Show resistor values. Assume a precision 3.3 volt reference supply is available but that it can supply no more than 50 mA. Assume the operational amplifier has adequate power supplies and is ideal. Assume that resistor values above 200 kΩ are too large (dimensionally) to be practical. |
| 3/21 | 4/04 | 4/10 |
Read Freescale's tutorials on motors. DC Motors Brushless DC Motors Stepper Motors Switched Reluctance Motors Brushless AC Motors (Now hosted by NXP, which bought out Freescale.) A few caveats about the above tutorials. . . In the illustration of the "Switched Reluctance" motor, the rotor will assume an induced magnetic field to oppose the applied magnetic field. This is not illustrated, probably because it might imply that the rotor is permanently magnetized, which it is not. It is just iron (or a steel alloy). In the illustration of the "AC Induction Motor" the coloration of the induced magnetic field in the rotor is backwards. According to Lens' Law, the induced field will oppose the applied magnetic field from the stator. Thus the red (north) pole of the stator will face a green (south) pole on the rotor, just as in any other motor. Also read this motor tutorial and also read Jones on Stepping Motors and optionally this control tutorial from "Process Automation Control." Much of what is described in the control tutorial is done via microcontrollers and relays, etc. Do these problems on motors Helpful link: Lin model 211-13-01 and note the "Torque Curves" tab. On 3/23 the due date on this assignment was delayed from 3/28 to 4/03. |
| 2/28 | 3/21 | 4/10 |
Topic: Interrupts Read this overview on interrupts and this on Arduino interrupt programming and this on Raspberry Pi interrupt handling and this on WireingPiFunctions Do these problems on interrupts Errata: On problem 3.17 part (d) note that the only way for Tpi to be an average and a maximum at the same time is that the ISR is requested exactly every Tpi. This was the author's intent. (As opposed to allowing actual request intervals to sometimes exceed Tpi.) (On 3/02 the due date was extended from 3/14 to 3/21) |
| 2/21 | 2/28 | 4/28 |
Browse the USB Standard version 2.0 on reserve in the library (Ask a librarian for it by name, "Universal Serial Bus Revision 2.0 Specification." Also available from If you download it from be sure to read the 2.0 version. (The 2.0 version superceeds the 1.0 version which is now withdrawn. However the 3.0 version is an addendum to the 2.0 version. It cannot stand on its own.) Do answer some essay questions on USB. To turn in your work, edit this file of essay questions to insert your answers, save it to your local hard disk (or other media) and then upload it to Canvas from your local storage. Optional Reading: USB article in Wikipedia |
| 2/14 | 2/21 | 4/28 |
Study for the Test on Thursday, 2/16. Then. . . Read this Ethernet Tutorial. Take this twenty-question quiz on Ethernet. E-mail your quiz grade to Prof. De Boer. You are encouraged to repeat the quiz until you get a perfect grade. Turn in only your best grade. Optional: Example Python sockets using TCP/IP Optional: Books in Dordt's Library Optional: Wikipedia article Ethernet |
| 2/07 | 2/14 | 4/10 |
Read A Guide to Debouncing Read RS-232 in Wikipedia Do this problem: Plot voltage vs. time of the Tx line in RS-232 for sending this text: "Z#" (without the quotation marks, with a capital "Z"). Assume ±12 V signal voltages, 53 kbaud, eight data bits, and one stop bit. Be sure to label your axes properly. An ASCII table can be found in many places, e.g. Note that the illustration in the Wikipedia reading does not have properly labeled axes. Specifically the the independent axis lacks scale and units. Optional: The entire RS-232 standard is available from Dordt's library. Interface Between Data Terminal Equipment And Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment Employing Serial Binary Data Interchange TK7887.5 .I57 1997 Optional: Read about teleprinters. Very Optional: Listen to a Teletype machine. And see a Teletype machine connected to a Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC, a brand) model PDP-8/e computer. This computer could be booted "manually" via a bank of switches that allows the direct entry of machine code word-by word, executing each instruction as fast as the operator can enter the code. Wow, that's fast! Optional: Example of RS-232 products. Many in this brochure support RS-232 for remote control. |
| 1/31 | 2/07 | 2/14 |
Topics: Parallel interfacing, I/O Drivers Read about multiplexing LED's and also multiplexing a keypad. Also read about Debouncing a switch or keyboard (don't miss p2) Draw a schematic showing how to connect a two- digit common cathode 7-segment LED display and a 4x4 keypad to up to 12 bits of general I/O. Specify how each bit is used (Input, output, or bidirectional) There are many many valid correct methods. You may be able to share rows or columns between the 7-seg. display and the keypad. You may ignore the matter of key bounce. You may search the Web for additional help on this assignment. Optional: "epic" guide to keyboard internals. |
| 1/24 | 1/31 | 2/14 |
Read this handout on transmission lines. (This copy might print better on your printer.) Scan over these application notes from Texas Instruments on transmission lines. Read The section in AN-807 on the "tabular method." AN-806, and AN-807, and AN-808. Do 2.1 and 2.6 in the first handout linked above. Optional: A transmission line theory tutorial Optional: Animation of VSWR on a T-line If the above java app will not run, look here. Optional note: The application notes linked above were origianlly developed by National Semiconductor. There is more on National Semi in Wikipedia. Optional: TI has purchased National Semi |
| 1/17 | 1/24 |
2/14 Since this was an elec- tronic sub- miss- ion, no physical item to return |
We will collaboratively document some of Git. On your own computer or on your "G: drive" create an empty folder called "PS-2". Do not inialize this folder as a repository in Git. Using Git Bash's "cd" command, change the working directory to your new empty "PS-2" folder. From Git Bash, clone Prof. De Boer's public respository named "PS-2" into your new "PS-2" folder. The URL to Prof. De Boer's public repository is The specific git command you need to do the clone operation is: git clone . Notice the space and dot (period) on the end of the command. That causes the clone to be created in Git's current working directory. After cloning the remote repo to your filespace open your local copy of "Git_Commands. . ." and continue to follow instructions from there. |
| 1/10 | 1/12 |
1/17 Since this was an elec- tronic sub- miss- ion, no physical item to return |
Read "Embedded system" from Wikipeadia Read "System on a Chip from Wikipedia" Briefly browse the Raspberry Pi web site. Do the introductory problems Note the SoC chip on the R-Pi is the Broadcom part number "BCM2837R1FBG" Turn this problem set in electronically. Save your answers as doc or docx format. Enter this page via Canvas and click here, then follow instructions from Canvas to turn the assignment in. |
Note 1) |
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