PS # |
| Due |
Problems Assigned |
| ||||
| 4/29 | --- | --- |
Read notes from class about position encoding including relative vs. absolute, two sensors, binary vs. grey code, single-track codes, v-scan, u-scan. Optional related links: Details on a particular relative encoder Wikipedia article: "Rotary encoder" Detail of a 13-bit grey code absolute encoder. V-scan and U-scan encoding Topics not covered this semester: LCD Displays Digital-to-Analog and Analog-to-Digital View "55 Minute Alias" from You Tube. Try this Java Applet, "Demonstration of Aliasing" Try this Java Applet, "Sigma-Delta ADC Tutorial" (Above links may require Internet Explorer.) Optional: See this "multimedia article" from IEEE Spectrum Online: "the Future of Music" The IEEE linke gives a perspective on the dynamic range in the master mix. For an opposing point of view see this article which claims compression, "can make pop recordings or live sound mixes sound musically better. . ." |
| 4/22 | 4/27 | 4/29 |
Read this tutorial on Thyristors Also read this tutorial on H-bridge drivers (Please read all 3 parts of the above tutorial) Do this problem: Modify this H-bridge circuit to so that the two bits of input to the driver are D for direction and E for energize. These will replace the existing inputs W1 and W2. If E = 1 then the motor should be powered. If E = 0 then the motor should freewheel. The uC may then use pulse-width modulation on E to control the motor's speed. Hints: All the resistors and transistors will remain interconnected exactly as shown in the given schematic. The changes pertain to the intput signals and the logic gates. As given in Figure 1.a. . . A logic-1 at pin 1 of U3 will turn Q5 on. A logic-0 at pin 8 of U1 will turn Q6 on. Optional: Browse this "application note" on Thyristors from Teccor (now part of Littlefuse) and even more on Thyristors here Optional: DC Motor Tutorial Optional: Control of Stepping Motors |
| 3/04 | 4/01 | 4/16 |
Read this handout on transmission lines. (This copy might print better on your printer.) Scan over these application notes from National Semiconductor on transmission lines. Read The section in AN-807 on the "tabular method." AN-806, and AN-807, and AN-808. Do 2.1 and 2.6 in the handout linked above. On 3/9, as per classroom discussion, the due date was changed from 3/11 to 3/25. On 3/23 at about 10 PM the due date was again postponed, this time to April 1 (no foolin'). We will discuss this more in class on Thursday. |
| 2/25 | 3/4 | 4/16 |
Read this overview on interrupts Also read Smiley's Workshop Part 8 Do these problems on interrupts |
| 2/04 | 2/11 | 3/11 |
Browse the USB Standard version 2.0 on reserve in the library (Select "books" on the library's web page, then enter "Universal Serial Bus" in the search box) or available from Do these short essays on USB. Optional: You may turn the assignment in electronically via courses@dordt. Optional Reading: USB article in Wikipedia |
| 1/28 | 2/04 | 3/09 |
Read this Ethernet Tutorial. Take this twenty-question quiz. E-mail your quiz grade to DDB. You are encouraged to repeat the quiz until you get a perfect grade. Turn in only your best grade. Optional: Books in Dordt's Library Optional: Wikipedia article Ethernet |
| 1/26 | 1/28 | 2/04 |
Read RS-232 in Wikipedia Do this problem: Plot voltage vs. time of the Tx line in RS-232 for sending this text: "Z#" (without the quotation marks, with a capital "Z"). Assume ±12 V signal voltages, 53 kbaud, eight data bits, and one stop bit. Be sure to label your axes properly. An ASCII table can be found in many places, e.g. Note that the illustration in the Wikipedia reading does not have properly labeled axes. Specifically the the independent axis lacks scale and units. Optional: Listen to a teletype machine. Optional: The entire RS-232 standard is available from Dordt's library. Interface Between Data Terminal Equipment And Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment Employing Serial Binary Data Interchange TK7887.5 .I57 1997 |
| 1/12 | 1/14 | 1/21 |
Read "Embedded system" from Wikipeadia Read "Integrated development environment" Read "AVR Butterfly Evaluation Kit: User Guide" Do the introductory problems Turn this problem set in electronically via courses@dordt. (Maximum file size is 1 MB) |
Note 1) |
Homework solutions are usually available one or two class periods
after the due date. Click the "returned date" on this page to
access the solutions. If the "Returned" date is not a link (is
black, not gold) then the solution is not yet posted. Check back
later. If you click the link and get a login screen instead of
the solutions, log in using your usual courses@dordt username and
password. Then use the back icon (or alt-left-arrow on the
keyboard) twice to get back to the link on this page and click
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Note 2) |
Problems sets shown above with no "assigned" date are
tentative. More problems might be added, expected due dates
might change, but problems shown will eventually be assigned.
Note 3) | If you are having difficulty reading the latest version of this page it may have to do with your browser's cached memory. Read this note on cached pages to solve the problem. |