PS # |
| Due |
Problems Assigned
(In Mano & Kime unless otherwise noted)
| 5/01 |
--- --- | --- |
Last day of class—no new assignment. After peer grading we will review for the exam. |
| 4/29 |
5/01 5/01 at 5:00 pm | 5/01 at about 3 pm |
Read 12-1, 12-2, 12-4, and these web pages on zoned recording and logical block addressing. Do 12-1*, 12-3, And answer this question: 12-A What are the advantages of packet-based I/O such as in USB? Note errata on page 601. Note errata on problem 12-1*. This assignment will be due for regular grading at 5 PM on Friday. Place your homework in a box that will be placed near Prof. De Boer's office door. The box will be labeled "EGR 204 Homework." This assignment will be graded and placed in the plastic bin for "De Boer's Courses" by noon on Saturday. You may then pick up your homework at your convenience on Saturday afternoon. |
| 4/27 |
4/29 5/01 | 5/01 at about 3 pm |
Review 10-5, Read 10-9, 10-10 Do 10-27*, 10-29 Note errata on problem 10-27*. This assignment will be graded and placed in the plastic bin labeled "De Boer's Courses" by noon on Saturday. You may pick up your homework at your convenience on Saturday afternoon. |
| 4/24 |
4/27 4/29 | 5/01 |
Read 10-8 Do 10-23*, 10-24, 10-25* Hint: For Problem 10-23* assume that the "16" bit register is named "R". Also, this supplement written for an older edition of our text can be helpful to understanding table 10-7 in our text. (The example in the supplement assumes an 8-bit register, not a 16-bit register. Be sure to make the appropriate change.) Hint: For Problem 10-25* a computer does subtraction A – B as A + page 345) and assumes the numbers are twos complement signed integers. Then "borrow" is the NOT of the carry out of that addtion. This borrow is saved in the carry flag bit in the place of the normal carry bit. |
| 4/22 | 4/24 4/27 | 4/29 |
Read 10-7 Do 10-18, 10-20*, 10-21 Note: On 10-18 work the problem in base ten using 13 places right of the radix point. Note: On 10-20* the answer posted on the web is wrong. The meaning of E is incorrect on the first and last lines. You should list all the binary bit patterns possible (e in binary) and the value of the exponent (E in decimal) in a style similar to the outer two columns of Table 10-6 on page 526. Also note carefully the text underneath Table 10-6. Note: On 10-21 for part (b) list E = (the smallest), -1, 0, 1, and (the largest) values possible. On part (c) the calcuation should be an estimate in base ten and in scientific notation, to at least three significant figures of the largest and smallest positive normalized numbers. |
| 4/20 |
4/22 4/24 | 4/27 |
Read 10-5, 10-6 Do 10-3*, 10-4, 10-17* |
| 4/17 |
4/20 4/22 | 4/24 |
Read 10-3, 10-4 Do 10-5, 10-6*, 10-7 Note errata on page 510 |
| 4/15 |
4/17 4/20 | 4/22 |
Read 10-1, 10-2 Do 10-1, 10-2* Hint: You might find it easier to work on 10-2* first. For both 10-1 and 10-2*, SUB and DIV are not described in the text. Some examples are shown below: Three Address Instructions: SUB R1, R2, R3 R1 ![]() DIV R1, R2, R3 R1 ![]() Two Address Instructions: SUB T1, T2 M[T1] ![]() DIV T1, T2 M[T1] ![]() One Address Instructions: SUB X ACC ![]() DIV X ACC ![]() Hint for 10-2: Part (b) requires only two temporary memory variables. Note errata on page 499 |
| 4/13 |
4/15 4/17 | 4/20 |
Read 9-7, 9-8, 9-10 Do 9-12, 9-15 Hints for problem 9-15: It might be easier to do part (b) first. For part (a) fill unused fields with "X" for "don't care." Note that address fields are the only kind that can be unused since Figure 9-6 shows explicit logic for the other fields. For part (a), line 3, in "R[5] + 2" the "2" arrives from the "Constant in" lines to MUX B. (See Figure 9-15 on page 471.) In part (a) line 5 the "PC + se PC" should be "PC + se AD". Also let AD = 25 (base ten-- convert it to binary). The value of AD is supplied in a pair of fields, split to "Left" and "Right." The left is most significant. This forms effectively a six-bit field. (See Figure 9-14 on page 467.) Note errata on problems 9-12 and 9-15. |
| 4/10 |
4/13 4/15 | 4/17 |
Read 9-4, 9-5, 9-6 Do 9-8*, 9-9 Hints on problem 9-9: Zero can be formed as the exclusive OR of two identical words. For example, R0 XOR R0 = 0. Assume numbers are signed integers in the twos complement number system. Then _ X - Y = X + Y + 1 It is possible that some bits in the control word do not matter. Mark those as "X" for "Don't Care" Although 9-10* is not assigned, understanding that problem and its solution (posted on the web) might help you understand and do 9-9. |
| 4/08 |
4/10 4/13 | 4/15 |
Read 9-1, 9-2, 9-3 Do 9-1, 9-2* Note: In 9-1, "selection lines" refers to "Destination Select," "A Select," and "B Select" Note: For problem 9-2* assume the ALU is designed to work with numbers in twos complement format. Overflow detection is described on page 165 of your text. The result of your logic should be that N = 1 iff the output of the ALU represents a negative number. Bit Z = 1 iff the output represents zero. Bit V = 1 iff there was an overflow. Bit C = 1 iff there was a carry out of the most significant place. |
| 4/06 |
4/08 4/10 | 4/13 |
Read 8-6, 8-7, 8-8 Do 8-9, 8-10, 8-11 |
| 4/03 |
4/06 4/08 | 4/10 |
Read 8-4, 8-5 Do 8-7, 8.8* Note errata on problems 8-7 and 8-8 . |
| 4/01 |
4/03 4/06 | 4/08 |
Read 8-1, 8-2, 8-3 Do 8-1*, 8-2, 8-3* EXCEPT change "64K X 16" to "1 M x 4" and change "32000" to "196865." Note: The solution given online goes with the problem as printed in the textbook. The assignment is to re-work the problem with the organization and address given here. |
| 3/30 |
4/01 4/03 | 4/06 |
Read Ch 7 Sec 7-7, 7-8, 7-14 Do 7-11* Note errata on p404, Problem 7-11* Note Figure 7-15 too. 7-16 and use hierarcy including a diagram of a single cell of the register. |
| 3/27 |
3/30 4/01 | 4/03 |
Read Ch 7 Sec 7-6 from "Shift Registers" on page 353 through the end of the Section. Do 7-4*, 7-5*, 7-8 |
| 3/25 |
3/27 3/30 | 4/01 |
Read Ch 7 Sec 7-5, 7-6 up to "Shift Registers" on page 353. Do 7-3, 7-B P.S. Check the dates on this assignment and the next one. Professor De Boer has posted this one early. Note: Until 10:23 am on Monday, 3/30, the final due date was incorrectly shown as 3/31. |
| 3/09 |
3/25 3/27 | 3/30 |
Read Ch 7 Sec 7-1, 7-2, 7-3 Do 7-A (click on link). Here is a datasheet for the '175 (problem 7-A). See especilly the function table on page 3 and the block diagram on the right side of page 3. |
| 3/09 |
--- --- |
Study for the test on Wednesday, 3/11. | |
| 3/06 |
3/09 3/25 | 3/27 |
Read Ch 6 Sec 6-3, 6-8 Do 6-9. Answers should be in the style of. . . "Signal RX at X ns has a <name problem>." Hint: The times mentioned in the answers always correspond to a clock edge. 6-15 and also specify how to connect the inputs X, Y, and Z to the ROM and how to connect the outputs A, B, C, and D to the ROM. (Note errata on 6-15), 6-20 except mark fuses to remain intact on the fuse map for a TIBPAL16L8-25C part. The fuse map can be found on page 5 of the datasheet. Hint 1) The output pins of the TIBPAL16L8-25C are driven by inverters. You need to build the complementary function into the array in order to get correct outputs at the pins. Hint 2) If you put an "X" mark on an AND gate it signifies that all the fuses on all the inputs for that AND gate should remain intact. This forces the output of that AND gate to be logic-0 always. Hint 3) Tie pin 1 to ground. Use that input to enable outputs. Note: First draft of lab report is due 3/09. |
| 3/04 |
3/06 3/09 | 3/25 |
Read Ch 5 Sec 5-7, 5-10 Do 5-35 using this state assignment: A = 00, B = 01, C = 10, D = 11 Note that the problem statement continues on page 291 underneath Figure 5-45. Note errata on page 251. Note errata on pages 254, and 259 |
| 3/02 |
3/04 3/06 | 3/09 |
Review Ch 5 Sec 5-5 up to page 240. Read Ch 5 Sec 5-5 from page 240 to the end. Do 5-12, 5-13* Note errata on page 243. Note: Discussion of Problem 5-12 |
| 2/27 |
3/02 3/04 | 3/06 |
Read Ch 5 Sec 5.5 up to "Designing With D Flip-Flops" on page 240. Do 5-9, 5-11* |
| 2/25 |
2/27 3/02 | 3/04 |
Review Ch 5 Sec 5-3, Read Ch 5 Sec 5-4 Do these problems: 5-A. Draw a gate-level logic diagram of the SR master-slave flip-flop shown in Figure 5-9 on page 216. (Note Figure 5-7 on page 213.) 5-B. (Click on the link.) 5-6 (On page 281 in your text.) |
| 2/23 |
2/25 2/27 | 3/02 |
Read Ch 5 Sec 5-3 Do 5-4 |
| 2/20 |
2/23 2/25 | 2/27 |
Read Ch 5 Sec 5-1, 5-2 Do 5-1, 5-2. Note: For these problems use the input sequences given in the tables below. Fill in the outputs shown on these tables. The complete table or the equivalent information in a vector waveform file print-out is the answer. _ _ _ _ S R | Q Q C S R | Q Q -----+----- --------+----- 1 1 | 0 0 0 | 1 0 | 0 0 1 | 0 1 | 0 1 0 | 1 1 | 0 1 1 | 0 1 | 1 0 1 | 0 0 | 1 0 0 | 0 1 | 1 1 0 | 1 0 0 | Table for 5-1 1 1 0 | 1 1 1 | 1 1 0 | 1 1 1 | 1 0 0 | Table for 5-2Optional supplemental reading: RS Nand Latches. |
| 2/18 |
2/20 2/23 | 2/25 |
Read Ch 4 Sec 4-6, 4-7, 4-9 Do 4-23 Hint: Although 4-20* is not assigned, look at that problem statement and its solution which is posted on the web. Another Hint: The sentence, "Note that complemented inputs are available." means that although the signal a_n is a separate input from a, you should assume that a_n is always the logical not of a. Wherever you might like to use The same goes for the other similarly named pairs of signals. |
| 2/16 |
2/18 2/20 | 2/23 |
Read Ch 4 Sec 4-5 Do 4-4 except do it in this order: 1.) The given numbers are unsigned binary. Pad each with leading zeros until it is eight bits wide. This converts the numbers from unsigned binary to signed two's complement (and all of them are positive). 2.) Negate subtrahends by taking the two's complement. 3.) Add. The result is the answer without any further manipulation. The answer is in the two's complement notation. 4.) For each case, note if there is "overflow" or "no overflow." 4-45 Note: this problem is not in the textbook, click the link to view it. |
| 2/11 |
2/16 2/18 | 2/20 |
Read the due dates of this assignment carefully Maybe you should be working on PS#11 instead. Read Ch 4 Sec 4-4 Do 4-2* (Use manual verification), 4-3* and note errata on 4-3* Also for each note if there is overflow or not. Definition: Overflow upon negation occurs iff negating a non-zero number does not change the sign of the number. Note that by definition the number zero cannot overflow upon negation. (–0 = +0 = 0) Note: In 4-3* the given numbers are mostly negative since most start with a 1 bit. Note errata on Page 166 |
| 2/09 |
2/13 2/16 | 2/18 |
Read Ch 4 Sec 4-1, 4-2, 4-3 Do 4-1 except begin with a truth table, then use K-maps to derive equations for outputs C2, S1, and S0. Stop with equations in SOP form since drawing a schematic will be too tedious. Note that the inputs are A1, A0, B1, B0, and C0. You will need five-variable K-maps for this problem. Hint: Drawing the K-maps in a horizontal style works best for this problem. FYI "Karmah" is an online Java applet that can do K-maps up to 8 inputs. It uses a slightly different style (overlays) than Prof. De Boer illustrated in class. Optional Reading on five-variable K-maps. Explains both the grey code style preferred by Prof. De Boer (so that "folding" works) and the overlay style that generalizes (poorly) to even larger K-maps. |
| 2/09 |
--- --- | --- |
Study for the test on Wednesday, 2/11. |
| 2/06 |
2/09 2/13 | 2/16 |
Read 3-8, 3-9, 3-10 Do 3-35*, 3-42*, 3-46, 3-47* (There was a typographic error in the due date. On 2/11 the date was changed from 2/12 to 2/13. |
| 2/04 |
2/06 2/09 | 2/13 |
Read 3-5, 3-6, 3-7 Do 3-24, 3-25, 3-21, 3-32 except use a type '138 decoder and NAND (instead of OR) gates. Hint 1) Output a logic-1 to a LED to turn it on. Hint 2) Read part (b) before doing part (a). Hint 3) Use a block symbol for the '138 decoder rather than drawing all the gates. This decoder is comparable in function to the the one shown in your text in Figure 3-33. Hint 4) Use value fixing on unneeded gate inputs. Note: Professor De Boer assigned this problem because it poses an interesting technical challenge, but he does not endorse gambling. Note errata on Figure 3.33 |
| 2/02 |
2/04 2/06 | 2/09 |
Read Ch 3 Sec 3-2, 3-3, 3-4 Do 3-2*, 3-16, 3-20 |
| 1/30 |
2/02 2/04 | 2/06 |
Read Ch 2 Sec 2-11, Review all of Ch 2 Read Ch 3 Sec 3-1 Do 2-8, 2-30, 3-1 |
| 1/28 |
1/30 2/02 | 2/04 |
Read Ch 2 Sec 2-8, 2-9, 2-10, Review 2-5 Do 2-24, 2-25*, 2-34 |
| 1/26 |
1/28 1/30 | 2/02 |
Read Ch 2 Sec 2-5, 2-6, 2-7 Do 2-15*, 2-16, 2-19*, 2-31 |
| 1/21 |
1/26 1/28 | 1/30 |
Read Ch 2 Sec 2-4 Do 2-7*, 2-11, 2-12*, 2-14 Note errata on problem 2-12* Note errata on page 60, Figure 2-9(b) Note on 2-14: "Optimize" means to "simplify" as shown by several examples in section 2-4. |
| 1/19 |
1/21 1/26 | 1/28 |
Read Ch 2 Sec 2-1, 2-2, 2-3 Do 2-1*, 2-2*, 2-10* |
| 1/16 |
1/19 1/21 | 1/26 |
Read Ch 1 Sec 1-4 through 1-7 Also read about binary prefixes from NIST Optional--read more about binary prefixes here. Do 1-10*, 1-22, 1-24, 1-25* |
| 1/14 |
1/16 1/19 | 1/21 |
Scan Chapter 1. Read Sections 1-2, 1-3 Do 1-4, 1-5, 1-6, 1-7*, 1-8, 1-9* Note: The answer to 1-5 must be exact. |
Note 1) |
Homework must be ready for peer grading and discussion in
class on the first listed due date. It must be turned in for a
final grade on the second listed due date. Peer grading will be
1/5 (20%) of the homework grade.
Note 2) |
Problems marked with an asterisk (*) have solutions available
on the textbook's companion website.
Note 3) |
Homework solutions are usually available one or two class periods
after the due date. Click the "returned date" on this page to
access the solutions. If the "Returned" date is not a link (is
black, not gold) then the solution is not yet posted. Check back
later. If you click the link and get a login screen instead of
the solutions, log in using your usual courses@dordt username
and password. Then use the back icon (or alt-left-arrow on the
keyboard) twice to get back to the link on this page and click
the link again. The link only works when you are logged in to
Note 4) |
Problems sets shown above with no "assigned" date are
tentative. More problems might be added, expected due dates
might change, but problems shown will eventually be assigned.
Note 5) | If you are having difficulty reading the latest version of this page it may have to do with your browser's cached memory. Read this note on cached pages to solve the problem. |