PS # |
| Due |
Problems Assigned
(In Mano & Kime unless otherwise noted)
| 5/01 |
--- | --- |
Last day of class No new assignment. (Study for the final exam.) |
| 4/22 |
4/29 | 5/05# |
Review 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 Do this Problem: 8.A Consider the display described in section 8.3.3 (page 414 and following) of your text. Note especially figures 8.48 and 8.52. For a single 7-segment digit of this display show the waveforms associated that will cause the digit "7" to be displayed. Assume the artwork shown in Figure 8.48 is used. a) Draw (or copy) the four back-plane waveforms in a vertically aligned style as shown in Figure 8.52. One period is adequate. b) Draw the two front-plane waveforms needed to display "7". Unlike Figure 8.53 in your text, your drawing should be vertically aligned with the backplane waveforms. One period is adequate. c) Draw the waveform of the voltage across segments a and g. These should be AC waves. d) Based on the waveforms shown in part (c), find the RMS voltage applied to segment a and the RMS voltage applied to segment g. |
| 4/08 |
4/17 | 4/24# |
Read 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 Do 8.5, 8.6 |
| 3/25 |
4/03 | 4/10# |
Browse the USB Standard on reserve in the library (enter "Universal Serial Bus" into the "ilink" search box) or available from Do these short essays on USB. Optional Reading: USB article in Wikipedia On Friday, 3/28 the due date was changed from 4/01 to 4/03 because of Assessment Day. |
| 3/06 |
3/13 | 3/18# |
Read this Ethernet Tutorial. Take this twenty-question quiz. E-mail your quiz grade to DDB. You are encouraged to repeat the quiz until you get a perfect grade. Turn in only your best grade. Optional Reading |
| 2/28 |
3/06 | 3/11# |
Read Ch 7 Optionally read this supplement on RS-232. Do this problem: Plot voltage vs. time of the Tx line in RS-232 for sending this text: "Z#" (without the quotation marks, with a capital "Z"). Assume ±12 V signal voltages, 53 kbaud, eight data bits, and one stop bit. Be sure to label your axes properly. An ASCII table can be found in many places, e.g. 6.3 On 3/04 problem 6.3 was added to this set. |
| 2/14 |
2/28 |
3/04 See PS#6 for sol'n |
Read Ch. 6 (Omit Sections on 68HC12 and 9S12) Do 6.3 On 3/04 this assingment was re-assigned. See PS#6. PS#5 was returned ungraded. |
| 2/07 |
2/14 | 2/19# |
Read Ch. 4 (Omit sections on 68HC12 and 9S12.) Do these problems from Peatman's text, Design with Microcontrollers. 3.17, 3.19. |
| 1/31 |
2/07 | 2/14# |
Read Ch. 3. (omit 68HC12 parts) Review all "Checkpoints" (Answers are in the back of the text. Do not turn these in. You need the "pink" books to answer some of these checkpoint questions.) Do 3.18 except modify it so that a whole byte of data is read. You may use assembly file V3_18_TX.ASM as a starting point. The comments in that file give necessary information about modifications to the problem statement. You may also use I/O file V3_18_TX.IO in your simulation. Unfortunately the TExaS simulator can only simulate a total of 8 input bits in the *.IO file and one of these must be the "Status" signal. Thus in the file given here PC0 is ú left disconnected and only 7 bits of data can be controlled by the switches. 3.20 (not in the text) How does the STAF bit in the PIOC register get set? Can you set it with software? What instructions can you use to clear STAF? |
| 1/22 |
1/31 | 2/05# |
Read Ch. 2 Sec. 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, 2.7, 2.8.1, 2.11.3 Do (on page 137) 2.1 You may use file "V2_1_TX.ASM" as a starting point. Delete the indicated comments and insert your code. Simulate running your code using TExaS. Turn in "TheList" file and "TheLog" file. |
| 1/15 |
1/22 | 1/31# |
Read Chapter 1 Do (on page 55) 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.10, 1.24 1.25, 1.27, 1.28, 1.30 |
Note 1) |
When a problem mentions "Your Computer" choose the 6811 or
more specifically, the MC68HC811E2 if necessary.
Note 2) |
If a "#" follows the "returned" date, then the solution
key is posted on the cork board across the hall from room S233.
Note 3) |
Problems sets shown above with no "assigned" date are
tentative. More problems might be added, expected due dates
might change, but problems shown will eventually be assigned.
Note 4) | If you are having difficulty reading the latest version of this page it may have to do with your browser's cached memory. Read this note on cached pages to solve the problem. |