(Spring 2004)
Click this note on cached pages and handouts if you are
having difficulty seeing the latest version of this page.
Homework must adhere to reasonable standards.
PROBLEM SETS (Last update:
------------ 5/04/04 5:23 pm)
|PS|ASSIGNED| DUE |RETURNED| Problems Assigned |
| #| / \ | |
| 1| 1/19 | 1/26 | 1/30 | 1.2, 1.5, 1.9, 1.15* |
| | | | | |
| 2| 1/30 | 2/6 | 2/11 | 1.13, 1.14, 1.16*, 2.5, 2.10 |
| | | | | Hint for 1.16*--> You may use the |
| | | | | quantize.m file in your program. |
| | | | | Note: quantize.m requires limit.m |
| | | | | in the same working folder. |
| 3| 2/13 | 2/20 | 2/25 | 2.11, 2.16 note: Do at least parts|
| | | | | 2.16 Do at least part (b) sub- |
| | | | | parts 1, 2, and 3 by hand. For |
| | | | | finite numeric computations, |
| | | | | Matlab has a command called |
| | | | | "conv" which is easy to use. |
| | | | | For some parts, Matlab cannot be |
| | | | | used. Do those by hand. |
| | | | | 2.20 |
| 4| 3/01 | 3/08 | 3/24 | 3.1, 3.3, 3.7, 3.11, 3.15, 3.34 |
| 5| 3/08 | 3/31 | 5/04 | 4.1, 4.3 |
| | | | | On Wednesday, 3/24, the due date |
| | | | | for this assignment was extended |
| | | | | a week to the date shown. On Mon. |
| | | | | 3/29, problems 4.4, 4.5, 4.8 were |
| | | | | moved to a later problem set. |
| 6| 4/05 | 4/12 | 5/04 | 4.4, 4.5, 4.8 |
| | | | | On Monday, 4/12, problems 4.9 and |
| | | | | 4.10 were moved to the next problem|
| | | | | set. |
| 7| 4/12 | 4/19 | 5/04 | 4.9, 4.10, 4.14, 4.15 |
| | | | | Hints for 4.15: What is X(0) = ? |
| | | | | What is dX(w)/dw = when evaluated |
| | | | | at w = 0? (w = omega). |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
* = A computer is highly recommended for solving this problem.
Notes: To save a copy of a *.m file, right-click the link and
then click on something like "save target as. . ." (the
exact procedure depends on your web browser.)
To read a *.m file with it's original formatting, after
clicking on the link select "View | Source" or similar
command from the top menu bar of your browser. (If this
exprience does not prove the value of white space, which
browsers typically remove, nothing will.)
TESTS (Last update: 5/04/04
----- 4:14 pm)
Test #1, Friday, 2/27. Covered through Chapter 2, Section 3.
One crib sheet and a calculator are allowed.
Handed back on Monday, 3/01.
Test #2, Friday, 4/2. Will cover Chapter 2 Section 4 through
Chapter 4 Section 1. Tables 3.2 and 3.3 will be attached
to the test. Two crib sheets allowed. A calculator is
Final Exam, Wed, 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM, pending e-mail from the class.
Possible times are 8 or 10:30 AM on Wed., 5/5.
The exam will cover all the text sections listed above for
Tests #1 and #2 plus Chapter 4 through Section 4.5. Open
book, open notes. A calculator will be required.
TEXTBOOK ERRATA (Last update: 4/14/04)
(Some of these may have been fixed in later printings.)
p 64, Fig 2.2.4(d). The "+" sign should be a "x" sign.
p 176, Fig. 3.8. There should be no zero at |z| = a. You could
take a to be located at an angle of 45 degrees and remove
that zero.
p 268, Equation on second line of the page. Change the last
exponent from "j(w-pi/2)" to "j(w-pi)/2".
p 305, Table 4.6 In the expresion for x(n) that is one panel
down in the left column, replace the second instance of
"|n| <= L" with "|n| > L".
p 531, In the equation closest to the center of the page, replace
" - 12.90" with " + 12.90" in the first numberator.
p 523, Figure 7.22(b). Change the -12.9 coeffieient to +12.9.
Course Syllabus (MS-Word format)
A Handbook reference on the sinc(x) function
A demonstration of the DTFS (MS-Word file)
DTFS via matrix multiplication (Matlab m-file)
Back to Prof. De Boer's home page
offering of this course

This was the first semester when this course had Web content.