(Fall 2020)
Story version of PS#5
In this story version of the problem statements I shall repeat
the problem statements using only words. Although there will be
almost no mathematical symbolism to speed your way, perhaps you
will find hints of what the equations in the problem statements
mean—hints that may be hard for students to pick up on
until they gain a deeper understanding of the symbolism of the
Problem two-point-thirty-six.
Show that a set of signals comprising an set of complex exponentials
has the property that for every pair of signals of different
harmonics (different values of |n|) the pair is orthogonal
(one signal has no projection on the other signal) and that each
signal has a power of 1 W (relative to 1 Ω). For example if
one signal has n = 2 and the other has n = 3 the
two signals are orthogonal and each signal has power of 1 W.
But this needs to be proven for any pair of harmonics having
different |n|. Hint: represent one of the signals
in a pair as √(1/T0)exp(j2 mt/T0)
and the other as √(1/T0)exp(j2 mt/T0)
where m and k are integers, possible values for n,
and |m| ≠ |k|.
Problem two-point-thirty-nine-point-one and also -point-four.
Determine the Fourer Series expansion of the given signal.
(The answer is a set of xn values.