PS # | Assigned | Due | Returned |
Topics, Reading, and End of Chapter "Problems" (In "Mastering Engineering" or Nilsson & Riedel unless otherwise noted.) |
| 12/07 |
12/08 at 11:59 pm | *** |
Topic: Initial Condidtions with L transforms Read Chapter 13 Section 1 Log in to Mastering Engineering, then do PS#35 (*13.2, 13.3 diff. 1.0, 20m) Optional: An entertaining rant in which many concepts from this course are pulled together Free Energy Bullshit Optional: The $5 Raspberry Pi Zero Note: this is the last assignment for this course. |
Lab rprt | 10/20 |
12/11 at 11:59 PM |
Write a lab report about your "Mixer Board" project. Turn this report in electronically Upload one file for each team of students. BE SURE YOUR NAMES ARE INCLUDED IN THE FILE SO THAT WHEN PROF. DE BOER PRINTS YOUR FILE YOUR NAMES ARE ON THE COVER PAGE OF THE PRINT-OUT. Your file must be in Microsoft Word doc or docx format. If you use Apple Computer's "Pages," see here If you use LibreOffice, see here. | |
| 12/04 |
12/07 at start of class 12/09 at start of class | 12/14 |
Topics: Inverse L trans., Poles and Zeros, Initial and Final Value Theorems Read Ch. 12 Sec. 7, 8, 9 Do (on paper) one of these end-of-chapter sets: 10th edition: {12.34 Part (a) only, 12.47} 9th edition: {12.35 Part (a) only, 12.47} Optional: "How to wire a split-phase elec. panel" Optional: "How to add a Circuit Breaker" Note: Never! open! a! live! panel! This guy should have turned the power off first, and he should be wearing safety glasses and other personal protective gear at least until he can make measurements to prove that the busses are de-energized. (See "arc blast" tutorials for what can go wrong.) |
| 12/02 |
12/03 at 11:59 pm | *** |
Topic: Applications of L transf. Read Chapter 12 Section 6 Log in to Mastering Engineering, then do PS#33 (*12.22, 12.32 diff. 1.0, 44m, but DDB thinks it's harder than that.) Optional: A 2nd power failure in Sioux Center Sioux County gets disaster declariation |
| 11/23 |
12/01 at 11:59 pm | *** |
Topic: Review Singularity functions, L transf. Reveiw Chapter 12 Sections 1 through 4 Log in to Mastering Engineering, then do PS#32 (12.4, 12.14 difficulty 3.0, 78m) Optional: Sioux Center Substation Failure |
| 11/20 |
11/23 at start of class 12/02 at start of class | 12/14 |
Topics: Singularity Function: δ(t,),
Definition of Laplace transform Read Ch. 12 Sec. 3, 4 Do (on paper) one of these end-of-chapter sets: 10th edition: {12.8, 12.15} 9th edition: {12.9, 12.13} Optional: U of Tenn grid angle map U of Tenn Tornados disturb the grid Prof. Overbye: Genesis of the 2003 blackout |
| 11/18 |
11/19 at 11:59 pm | *** |
Topic: Review Bal.3-Phase Power, Y-Y, Y-Δ Read Chapter 12 Sections 1, 2 Log in to Mastering Engineering, then do PS#30 (12.1, Tutorial "unit step" difficulty 3.0, 78m) Optional: 14 videos from Bonneville Power |
| 11/16 |
11/17 at 11:59 pm | *** |
Topic: Review Bal.3-Phase Power, Y-Y, Y-Δ Review Chapter 11 Sections 1 – 5 Log in to Mastering Engineering, then do PS#29 (Tutorial "Analysis of Y-Δ," 11.23, *11.25 difficulty 3.3, 112m) Optional reading: Key facts about electric Power |
| 11/11 |
11/16 at start of class 11/18 at start of class | 11/23 |
Topics: Y – Δ Transformation, 3-Ph. Power Calcs Read Ch. 3, Sec. 7, Ch. 11 Sec. 4, 5 Do (on paper) one of these end-of-chapter sets: 10th edition: {*11.15, 11.17} 9th edition: {*11.13, 11.15} Optional: Virtual Tour, Coal-fired power plant |
| 11/09 |
11/10 at 11:59 pm | *** |
Topic: Balanced 3-Phase Power, Wye-Wye Read Chapter 11 Sections 1, 2, 3 Log in to Mastering Engineering, then do PS#27 (11.1, 11.4, 11.10; difficulty 2.0, 46m) Optional reading: Key facts about electric Power |
| 10/29 |
11/02 at start of class 11/09 at start of class | 11/20 |
Topics: Maximum Power Transfer—Phasor Domain Read Chapter 10, Section 6 Do (on paper) one of these end-of-chapter sets: 10th edition: {*10.41, 10.43} 9th edition: {10.44, 10.45} Note: on Thursday evening the due date for regular grading was extended from 11/06 to 11/09. |
| 10/28 |
10/29 at 11:59 pm | *** |
Topic: Sinusoidal Steady-State Power Calcs RMS Voltage and Current Complex power, Various Formulii Read Chapter 10 Sections 3, 4, 5 Log in to Mastering Engineering, then do PS#25 (10.12, 10.15, 10.21; difficulty 2.0, 38m) Opt'l: Yet another video on "power savers" here |
| 10/26 |
10/27 at 11:59 pm | *** |
Topic: Sinusoidal Steady-State Power Calcs Real, Reactive, Apparent Power. Power Angle, Power Factor Read Chapter 10 Sections 1, 2 Log in to Mastering Engineering, then do PS#24 (Tutorial "Avg & Reactive Pwr," 10.4, 10.5; difficulty 2.7, 74m) Optional: What do you think of this video "You see it's aah... drawin' about two amps of power... now I'm gona plug this in... and it's gone down to about one and a half amps of power..." (Quotation from the video.)? And, if you liked that one, you might also like this one! "...converts one power source and puts it into four, each costing 25% of the electricty..." (Quotation from the video.) |
| 10/23 |
10/26 at start of class 10/28 at start of class | 11/04 |
Topics: KCL, KVL, ||, Series, etc. w/ Phasors Read Chapter 9, Sections 5, 6, 7 Do (on paper) one of these end-of-chapter sets: 10th edition: {9.18, 9.24, 9.29} 9th edition: {9.17, 9.25, 9.29} Note: At 11:14 PM on Sat. 10/24 Prof. DB corrected a mistake in the 9th ed. set. He changed the last problem from 9.23 to 9.29. |
| 11/21 |
10/22 at 11:59 pm | *** |
Topic: Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis (SSSA): Def'n of a Phasor, Impedance of R, L, C Read Chapter 9 Sections 3, 4 Log in to Mastering Engineering, then do PS#22 (Tutorial "Passive Ccts in Freq Domain," 9.14; difficulty 2.5, 90m) Optional: Java applets on phasors 1, 2, 3. Optional (recommended for the above phasors applets): Bypass Java security settings. Note: The above phasor applets might not work on your browser no matter what you do. Java applets are being "depreciated" (phased out) by browser vendors. |
| 10/19 |
10/20 at 11:59 pm | *** |
Topic: Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis (SSSA): The Sinusoidal Source, and The Sinusoidal Response Read Chapter 9 Sections 1, 2 Log in to Mastering Engineering, then do PS#21 (Tutorial "The Sinusoidal Source," 9.3, 9.9; difficulty 2.0, 142m) NOTE: PROBLEM 9.9 IS RETRACTED FROM THIS PROBLEM SET. There are errors in Mastering Engineering on Problem 9.9 You will eventually be given full credit for this problem if you attempt the other two problems. See your Dordt e-mail for details. Optional Reading: Prof. De Boer's notes on complex numbers Optional videos: A.) A non-conventional intro. to complex #s B.) A conventional lecture on phasors ~38 mins. Note two typos in the above lecture on phaosrs. 1.) at 5:45 "cos(ωt + ![]() ![]() 2.) at 21:58 in two instances, the word "conductive" in blue text should be replaced by "capacitive" in blue text. (Note that the word "conductance" is correct. The words to change are "conductive" in blue text in the graphs.) |
| 16 |
10/19 at start of class 10/21 at start of class | 10/29 |
Topics: Forced response of RLC, Series RLC ccts Read Chapter 8, Sections 3, 4 Do (on paper) one of these end-of-chapter sets: 10th edition: {8.27, *8.28, 8.29, 8.55} 9th edition: {*8.29, 8.30, *8.31, 8.54} Optional video: Damped Mass On A Spring |
| 10/14 |
10/15 at 11:59 pm | *** |
Topic: RLC Circuits, Natural Response Of. . . Read Chapter 8 Sections 1, 2 Log in to Mastering Engineering, then do PS#19 (Tutorial "Intro RLC Natural Response," 8.4; difficulty 2.5, 98m) Optional: Resonance Experiment Wine glass resonance in slow motion |
| 10/12 |
10/13 at 11:59 pm | *** |
Topic: Sequential switching in RL, RC Ccts op-amp as an integrator Read Chapter 7 Sections 5, 7 Log in to Mastering Engineering, then do PS#18 (Tutorial "Sequential Switching," 7.92; difficulty 3, 58m) Optional: Panel of Neon Relaxation Oscillators |
| 10/09 |
10/12 at start of class 10/14 at start of class | 10/23 |
Topics: Review Chapter 6 on L, C Step response of an RL or RC circuit Read Ch 6 as needed, Ch 7 Section 3 Do (on paper) one of these end-of-chapter sets: 10th edition: {6.12, 7.37, 7.41} 9th edition: {6.13, 7.37, 7.39} In addition, turn in Problems 3.15, 3.18 from Lab #4 Note errata in 10th ed. Figure P7.37 on p252, A 5 ohm resistor is not shown properly in some printings of the textbook. Add it in the obvious place (in series with 10 mH) under the 5 ohm label. |
| 10/07 |
10/08 at 11:59 pm | *** |
Topics: RL & RC natural responses, Time Const. Read Chapter 7 Sections 1, 2, 3 Log in to Mastering Engineering, then do PS#16 (*7.3, Tutorial, *7.23, *7.29; difficulty 2.5, 152m) Optional: Fun with a high-voltage capacitor |
| 9/28 |
Tu. 10/06 at 11:59 pm | *** |
Topics: Mutual Inductance and Transformers Read Ch. 6 Sections 4, 5. Log in to Mastering Engineering, then do PS#15 (6.39, 6.43, 6.47, 6.48; difficulty 1.0, 58m) The due date, originally Sat. 10/3, was extended to Tuesday, 10/06 at 11:59 pm. |
| 9/25 |
9/28 at start of class 10/05 at start of class | 10/09 |
Topics: Inductors and Caps in || and series Read: Review Ch 6 Sec. 1, 2, Read Sec. 3 Do (on paper) one of these end-of-chapter sets: 10th edition: {6.9, *6.21, *6.27} 9th edition: {6.5, *6.16, *6.26, 6.27} Optional: Diesel engine governers explained Optional: Find out about power steering. |
| 9/23 |
9/24 at 11:59 pm | *** |
Topics: Inductors and Capacitors Read Ch. 6 Sections 1, 2. Log in to Mastering Engineering, then do PS#13 (6.2, 6.12, 6.14; difficulty 1.3, 108m) Optional Videos: Capacitors and Inductors Super Inductor Simple Joule Thief Optional: More sensible explanation from Wikipedia, Joule Thief |
| 9/21 |
9/22 at 11:59 pm | *** |
Topics: Op-amp non-inverting, summing, difference, non-ideal op-amps Read Ch. 5 Sections 4-7 Log in to Mastering Engineering, then do PS#12 (5.17, 5.18, *5.27, 5.48; difficulty 1.3, 76m) Optional video on encabulator technology. Optional reading on encabulator technology. |
| 9/18 |
9/21 at start of class 9/23 at start of class | 9/25 |
Topics: Review, Op-amps, Inverting Circuit Review Ch 4, Read Ch. 5, Sec 1-3. Do (on paper) one of these end-of-chapter sets: 10th edition: {4.103, 5.5, 5.9}   9th edition: {4.103, 5.2, 5.8} Optional: View this animated tutorial From ASU on the topic of the ideal op-amp. The tutorial uses the word impedance. This is a generalization of resistance. We will study impedance later in this course. For now, just consider it to mean the same thing as resistance. (Z = R) Optional video from Bell Telephone in 1965 The Genesis of the Transistor (~17 min.) Optional video from PBS, Ira Flatow Transistorized! Optional: It does not cost a fortune to look like $1M. Optional: If you plan to go a career fair, consider this advice from VT. Dress code at most career fairs is interview attire! Optional: Thevenin's theroem in pop culture. |
| 9/16 |
9/17 at 11:59 pm | *** |
Topics: Max Pwr Transfer, Review Nodal, Mesh Read Ch 4 Sec. 12, Review all of Ch. 4 Log in to Mastering Engineering, then do PS#10 (4.71, 4.84, 4.85, 4.87, 4.101; difficulty 2.3, 114m) Optional video: Good information on clothing from MNSU here. |
| 9/14 |
9/15 at 11:59 pm | *** |
Topics: Superposition, Thevenin, Norton Read Ch 4 Sec. 13, 10, 11 Log in to Mastering Engineering, then do PS#9 (4.93, 4.97, 4.64, 4.68, 4.69; difficulty 2.0, 86m) Optional video: Introduction to Thevenin Equivalent Circuits Optional video: Huffman Coding |
| 9/11 |
9/14 at start of class 9/16 at start of class | 9/14 |
Topics: Review Nodal & Mesh, Equivalent Sources Read Ch 4 Sec. 8, 9 Do (on paper) one of these end-of-chapter sets: 10th edition: {*4.54, 4.58, *4.62, 4.63} 9th edition: {*4.53, 4.57, *4.60, 4.62 and change 4.57 as follows: Re-label Part (b) as Part (c). Re-label Part (a) as Part (b). Add a new Part (a), "Would you use the node- voltage or mesh-current method to find Vdc? Explain your choice.} difficulty 2.3, 80m Optional Video: How to Debunk A Product Note: An asterisk (*) at the front of a problem number means an answer is available in an appendix of your textbook. |
| 9/09 |
9/10 at 11:59 pm | *** |
Topics: Mesh Analysis with Supermeshes and dependent sources Read Ch 4 Sec. 5, 6, 7 Log in to Mastering Engineering, then do PS#7 (4.32, 4.39, 4.43, 4.52; difficulty 1.8, 106m) Optional video: Nodal Analysis with Supernode Optional video: The greatest Engineering Achievements of the 20th Century. (~9 min.) |
| 9/07 |
9/08 | *** |
Topics: Nodal Analysis with Supernodes, and dependent sources Read Ch 4 Sec. 4 Do PS#6 in Mastering Engineering. (4.20, 4.28, 4.30; difficulty 3.0, 58m) Optional: Video lecture: The Passive Sign Convention Video lecture: Passive Sign Cnvntn Examples Note: The passive sign convention is easy once you clearly understand it. However, there are lots of bad descriptions of it floating around on the Internet. Stick with the IEE handout, the videos above, or ask in class rather than searching the Internet yourself on this matter. |
9/07 at start of class 9/09 at start of class | 9/11 |
Topics: Review of passive convention etc. Meters, Nodal Analysis, Supernodes Read Ch 3 Sec. 3.5, 3.6; Ch 4 Sec 1, 2, 3. Do one of the end-of-chapter sets below 10th edition: {3.45, 4.1, 4.13, 4.6} 9th edition: {3.43, 4.1, 4.8, 4.9} Note: The authors suggest that you may use PSpice or Multisim to check your answers. We have not yet studied these computer programs. You may check your answers by considering KVL and KCL in the original circuit.   Optional: Interview tips from GE |
| 9/02 |
9/03 at 11:59 pm | *** |
Topics: Series and parallel, V and I division Read: Nilsson & Riedel Ch 3 Sections 1, 2, 3, 4 Do PS#4 in Mastering Engineering. Optional: Why become an engineer? Watch this short film titled Design Our Future. Prof. De Boer does not endorse every statement made in this video, but it does provoke thought. (The link at the end of the video is defunct. A similar link ending in ".info" instead of ".us" is a phishing site—don't go there!) |
| 8/31 |
9/02 at 11:59 pm | *** |
Topics: Dependent srcs, switches, Kirchhoff's laws Read: Nilsson & Riedel Chapter 2 Do PS#3 in Mastering Engineering. |
8/31 at start of class 9/02 at start of class | 9/04 |
Topics: Review of passive convention etc. SI units, Switches, Meters, Bandwidth Read Chapter 1 in your textbook as needed. Review sections 1 though 8 in the handout, "An Introduction to Electrical Engineering."5 Do the end-of-chapter problems listed below either from the 9th or 10th edition textbook. Write them out on paper using a pencil and eraser. Be sure to follow homework standards. Here is an example of what good quality homework looks like. 10th edition: 1.3, 1.15, 1.31 9th edition: 1.5, 1.11, 1.28 Optional video ~3 minutes: "Every question harbors a latent question." (What if?) |
| 8/26 |
8/29 at 11:59 PM See note 2 below | *** See notes 4, 5, & 7 below |
Topics: Review defn. of charge, current, voltage, resistance, power, KVL, KCL Review sections 1 though 8 in the handout, "An Introduction to Electrical Engineering."5 Scan Chapter 1 in your textbook Note errata on page 15 in your textbook. Do the PS#1 Introduction to 'Mastering Engineering'" assignment. Note: Prof. De Boer inadvertently included some problems twice. Please skip problems that are redundant. Optional: Fractal Zoom... Mandelbrot (10:01) Note: On 8/27 at 9:55 PM the due date of this assignment was changed from 8/27 to 8/29 due to technical difficulties with the Mastering Engineering Web site. |
Note 1) |
Assignments shown above with no "assigned" date are
tentative. More problems might be added, expected due dates
might change, but problems shown will eventually be assigned.
Note 2) |
Homework in "Mastering Engineering" is always due at 11:59 PM on
the date shown.
Note 3) |
End-of-chapter homework must be ready for peer grading and
discussion in class on the first listed due date. It must be
turned in for a final grade on the second listed due date.
Peer grading will be 1/5 (20%) of the homework grade.
Note 4) |
If the "Returned" date is shown as a link, then solutions are
available by clicking the link.
Note 5) |
If you click the link and get a login screen, use your usual
Canvas@Dordt login. If that leads you to a contents page (not
what you wanted), then use the back icon (or alt-left-arrow
on the keyboard) twice if necessary to get back to the
link on this page and click it again. The link only works
after you are logged into Canvas@Dordt.
Note 6) |
If you are having difficulty reading the latest version of this
page it may have to do with your browser's cached memory. Read
this note on
cached pages to solve the problem.
Note 7) | If the "Returned" date is just three asterisks, then there is nothing to return. Feedback on this homework set was immediately given online as you worked the assignment. |