(FALL 2005)

                           PROBLEM SETS             (Last update:
                           ------------        12/10/05  5:37 pm) 
|PS|ASSIGNED| DUE |RETURNED| Problems Assigned (In Proakis and  |
| #|        /     \        | (Salehi unless otherwise noted)    |
| 7| 11/22 | 12/02 | 12/10#| 3.5, 3.14, 3.16, 4.1, 4.4, 4.5,    |
|  |       |       |       | 4.16, 4.20                         |
| 6| 10/14 | 10/21 | 11/30#| 2.43.f, 2.51, 3.1, 3.3             |
|  |       |       |       | (consider using a computer to make |
|  |       |       |       | plots.)  (On 10/19, after          |
|  |       |       |       | discussion in class, the due date  |
|  |       |       |       | was changed from 10/19 to 10/21.)  |
| 5|  9/23 |  9/28 |  ?/? #| 2.26, 2.34.2, 2.39.11, 2.39.12     |
|  |       |       |       | 2.46.1, 2.46.2 Note: The answer    |
|  |       |       |       | to 2.46.2 should be expressed using|
|  |       |       |       | the sinc() and cos() functions, not|
|  |       |       |       | just a long sum of complex         |
|  |       |       |       | exponentials.                      |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
|  |       |       |       | Hint:  Both 2.46.1 and 2.46.2 can  |
|  |       |       |       | be done by applying the analysis   |
|  |       |       |       | equation directly to x(t) but it   |
|  |       |       |       | is easier to use properties (time  |
|  |       |       |       | shift, linearity, etc.) and the    |
|  |       |       |       | table on page 81 of the text.      |
| 4|  9/16 |  9/21 |  ?/? #| 2.34.6, 2.39.1, 2.40,              |
|  |       |       |       | 2.43.b  Note errata on 2.39, pg 113|
|  |       |       |       | Note: 2.39.5 should not have been  |
|  |       |       |       | listed in this assignment.  Prof.  |
|  |       |       |       | De Boer mentioned this in class on |
|  |       |       |       | Monday, fixed this listing on Tu.  |
| 3|  9/09 |  9/14 |  9/19#| 2.13.13, 2.13.14, 2.23, 2.31,      |
|  |       |       |       | 2.34.5, 2.39.5                     |
| 2|  9/02 |  9/07 |  9/09#| 2.6, 2.7, 2.24, 2.34.3             |
|  |       |       |       |                                    |
| 1|  8/29 |  8/31 |  9/02#| 2.1.1, 2.1.3, 2.1.5, 2.1.7, 2.1.9, |
|  |       |       |       | 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.5           |
Note 1) If a "#" follows the "returned" date, then the solution
key is posted on the cork board across the hall from room S233.

Note 2) Problems sets shown above with no "assigned" date are 
tentative.  More problems might be added, expected due dates 
might change, but problems shown will eventually be assigned.

Note 3) If you are having difficulty reading the latest version 
of this page it may have to do with your browser's cached memory. 
Read this note on cached pages to solve the problem.