(Fall of 2002)
Click this note on cached pages and handouts if you are having
difficulty seeing the latest version of this page.
There is a web site including errata to supplement the text book
Additional errata are noted at the bottom of this page.
Homework must conform to certain standards.
PROBLEM SETS (Last update this table:
------------ 12/12/02 12:55 pm)
|PS|ASSIGNED| DUE |RETURNED| Problems Assigned (In Lindner |
| #| / \ | (unless otherwise noted) |
| 1| 8/30 | 9/04 | 9/06 | 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.2.3, 2.3.1, |
| 2| 9/04 | 9/11 | 9/18 | 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.5, 3.1.6, 3.1.7, |
| | | | | 3.2.1, 3.2.5, 3.2.6 |
| 3| 9/11 | 9/18 | 9/23 | Prove that a quadratic polynomial |
| | | | | with all real coefficients must |
| | | | | have either two real roots or two |
| | | | | complex conjugate roots. |
| | | | | |
| | | | | 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.2.1, 4.2.2, |
| | | | | 4.2.3, 4.2.4 |
| | | | | |
| 4| 9/18 | 9/25 | 9/30 | 5.2.1, 5.3.6, 5.4.1 |
| | | | | Helps: |
| | | | | To use Matlab as requested in part |
| | | | | b of problem 5.2.1 I recommend that|
| | | | | you use a function M-file for each |
| | | | | function. Sometimes Matlab will |
| | | | | not have the function you need. |
| | | | | In that case you need to write your|
| | | | | own m-file to extend Matlab's |
| | | | | capability. |
| | | | | As an example, here is a |
| | | | | function M-file for a step. |
| | | | | (Right-click on the link, and save |
| | | | | the M-file to your current |
| | | | | directory in Matlab. You can read |
| | | | | M-files with Notepad, M-editor, etc|
| | | | | but it will probably be unformatted|
| | | | | if you try to read it via your web |
| | | | | browser.) Be sure to read the help|
| | | | | comments in the file. |
| | | | | |
| | | | | Other notes: |
| | | | | 5.2.1-part (i), rp(t) is defined |
| | | | | in your text on page 23. |
| | | | | -part (iv), definition is on |
| | | | | page 23 again. Also, rect(t)|
| | | | | is an alternative way to |
| | | | | denote the unit pulse. |
| | | | | |
| | | | | sgn(t) is the signum function. |
| | | | | the notation in our text is |
| | | | | just as standard as sin(t). |
| | | | | In Matlab it is called |
| | | | | sign. Try "help sign". |
| | | | | |
| | | | | 5.2.2 Sometimes you can find good |
| | | | | M-files on the web. Here is |
| | | | | one I found. However, the |
| | | | | point of the problem is to |
| | | | | learn how to write these |
| | | | | files, not how to find them. |
| | | | | Since reading the work of |
| | | | | others is instructive, you |
| | | | | may use found files. (If they|
| | | | | are not from a classmate!) |
| | | | | In that case, be sure they |
| | | | | work right and give credit |
| | | | | where due. (The web is full |
| | | | | of crappy examples, out-dated|
| | | | | info, and just plain errors.)|
| | | | | |
| 5| 9/25 | 10/02 | 10/14 | 6.2.1; 6.2.2; 6.3.1 parts a thru e |
| | | | | for Fig. b only; 6.4.1 parts a thru|
| | | | | d for Fig. c only (Fig. c is not |
| | | | | in your text--click the link to |
| | | | | view it.) |
| 6| 10/09 | 10/16 | 10/23 | 6.4.1 Fig. a only, 7.2.1, 7.3.1 |
| | | | | Note: in 7.3.1 the vertical axis of|
| | | | | the plot of x(t) is not labeled. |
| | | | | The vertical extents of x(t) should|
| | | | | be 2 and -2. (This is noted in the|
| | | | | errata.) |
| 7| 10/16 | 10/23 | 11/1 | 7.3.4, 7.3.7 Note: "Find the F.S."|
| | | | | is not the same as asking "Find the|
| | | | | F.S. coefficients." The F.S. is |
| | | | | a weighted sum of basis functions |
| | | | | in the form of one of the synthesis|
| | | | | equations shown in Definition 7.2.1|
| | | | | Definition 7.2.2, or Definition |
| | | | | 7.2.4. (Summary in table 7.2.1) |
| | | | | The F.S. coefficients are a series |
| | | | | of numbers such as "Xm = 1/m for |
| | | | | all integers m." They are also the|
| | | | | weighting factors used in a F.S. |
| 8| 10/23 | 10/30 | 11/07 | 7.4.4 (note "show" means "prove") |
| | | | | 7.4.6 parts a and b only |
| 9| 10/30 | 11/06 | 11/12 | 7.4.6 all parts. (a and b were |
| | | | | assigned previously. If you had |
| | | | | them correct, just turn them in |
| | | | | again and they will count for |
| | | | | credit again--you will be able to |
| | | | | "double dip." Otherwise, write new|
| | | | | and correct solutions--don't mark |
| | | | | up your old solutions to correct |
| | | | | them.) |
| | | | | Also work 7.5.1 parts i, vi and x |
|10| 11/08 | 11/13 | 11/20 | 7.5.1 part ix only, 7.5.2, |
| | | | | 7.5.3 part ii only--but do it |
| | | | | these two way: a) use properties |
| | | | | and known pairs, Tables 7.6.2 and |
| | | | | 7.6.3. b) use the definition of |
| | | | | the Inverse FT, Defn. 7.4.1 |
|11| 11/15 | 11/20 | 12/04 | 8.1.6, Find the energy in the |
| | | | | signal x(t) = Sa(t). Hint: Use |
| | | | | Parseval's theorem. |
|12| 11/20 | 11/27 | 12/11 | 9.2.1 (near the bottom of the page)|
| | | | | 9.2.5, 9.4.1 parts i and vii only |
| | | | | 9.4.3 part ii only |
|13| 11/27 | 12/11 | 12/12 | 10.1.2, 10.1.3, 10.1.6, 10.1.9 |
| | | | | Note a typographic error in prob. |
| | | | | 10.1.9. The equation 7 lines from |
| | | | | the bottom of the page (Just under |
| | | | | "Summing the forces on the mass we |
| | | | | obtain" should be labeled i.). |
| | | | | Similarly, the equation 5 lines |
| | | | | from the bottom (Just under |
| | | | | "Rewriting this equation. . ." |
| | | | | Should be labeled ii.). These |
| | | | | labels are needed to understand the|
| | | | | question in part a). |
TESTS (Last update this list:
----- 12/11/02 5:16 pm)
All tests will be closed book. No crib sheets, calculators or
computers will be allowed. Copies of certain tables of
transforms and properties will be provided with the tests. You
will be told which tables these are about a week in advance of
the test.
Test #1, Friday 10/18. Covered Chapters 1-6. Handed back 11/1.
Test #2, Friday 11/22. Covered Chapters 7. Tables 7.6.3 and
7.6.3 were provided at the test along with a table of
trigonometric ID's. Handed back on 11/25.
Final exam, Saturday 12/14, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm. Will cover the
content of tests 1 and 2 above, plus sections 8.1 through
8.5 of Chapter 8, all of Chapter 9, and sections 10.1
through 10.4 of chapter 10. In addition to the tables given
with tests #1 and #2, Tables 9.6.1 (corrected) and 9.6.2
will be provided at the test.
LAB ASSIGNMENTS (Last update this table:
--------------- 12/10/02 3:18 pm)
|LB|ASSIGNED| DUE |RETURNED| Problems Assigned (In Lindner |
| #| / \ | (unless otherwise noted) |
| 1| 9/3 | --- | --- | Introduction to Matlab, nothing |
| | | | | to hand in. |
| 2| 9/10 | 9/16 | | Plotting Signals--assignment on the|
| | | | | lab handout. |
| | 9/17 | --- | --- | Lab canceled due to IEEE meeting |
| | | | | in Brookings. |
| 3| 9/23 | --- | --- | Building a Matlab Toolbox |
| | | | | useful m-files: |
| | | | | u.m, sinc.m, gearbox.m |
| | 10/1 | --- | --- | Lab canceled |
| | | | | |
| 4| 10/8 | --- | --- | Manipulating *.wav files |
| | | | | A useful *.wav file: band1.wav |
| 5| 10/15 | --- | --- | Fourier Series |
| | | | | Useful m-files are rect.m and sa.m |
| | | | | Here is an example script. |
| | 10/22 | --- | --- | Lab canceled |
| | | | | |
| | 10/29 | | | Project |
| | 11/05 | | | |
| | 11/12 | | | |
| | 11/19 | | | |
| | 11/26 | 12/04 | | |
| | 12/10 | --- | --- | Lab canceled |
| | | | | |
----------------------------12/10/02 3:33 pm)
This list of errata is in addition to the publisher's list.
Page 3, 12 lines of text up from the bottom of the page,
"Its" should be "It is".
Page 25, Definition 2.2.6: Change "t + 1/2" to "1 + 2t" also
Change "1/2 - t" to "1 - 2t".
Page 121, The last sentence of text on this page reads:
"ratio of the input signal over the output signal. . ."
It should read:
"ratio of the output signal over the input signal. . ."
Page 286, There are two problems labeled "9.2.1." The first of
these should be labeled "9.1.2." (This one is noted in
(Lindner's list of errata, but he does not note that
there are two such problems, only one of which has the
error in it.)
Page 341, In problem 10.1.9 two labels are missing from
equations. The equation 7 lines from the bottom of the
page (Just under "Summing the forces on the mass we
obtain" should be labeled "i.)". The equation 5 lines
from the bottom of the page (Just under, "Rewriting
this equation in terms of z(t) yields"
should be labeled "ii.)". These labels are used in
part (a) of the problem.
Back to Prof. De Boer's home page
This is the first offering of this course that had Web content.
This is also the last semester when this course was offered by Professor De Boer at Dordt College.