I have listed the texts that have been extremely useful during the construction of the site. Using the books listed below, trawling the internet and bothering my lecturers has enabled me to present the tutorial that you see before you.
There are so many books that I haven't mentioned simply because they didn't present the information that I wanted, in the way that I wanted it. Have a look for yourself, but be warned - don't expect them to agree on anything! There are alot of books that date quickly and even more that don't make any sense.
As for the internet, I think that my hyperlinks present a good cross-section of what's out there. Unfortunately, the search engines have been either extremely useful or totally frustrating. All the usual suspects - Yahoo, Lycos and Infoseek are sometimes interesting, but they tend to return too many commercial sites that are a waste of time. Muscat Euroferret, HotBot and NorthernLights have been much better. They are often faster and they allow the user to quickly tailor the search to their needs.
The quality of internet information, both in terms of presentation and content, is mixed. I think that you can get a better overview with a combination of books and the web.
Data Communications, Computer Networks and Open Systems | Fred Halsall | 0-201-42293-X | Addison-Wesley | Very precise text, possibly pitched towards electronic engineers |
FrontPage98 Unleashed | William R Stanek | 1-57521-349-4 | Sams Net | Excellent reference for a fairly complex package |
How To Design And Post Information On A Corporate Intranet | Bryan Hopkins | 0-566-07981-X | Gower | Worth looking at if you want to publish to the net in a meaningful way |
HTML Sourcebook | Ian S Graham | 0-471-14242-5 | Wiley | One of the better HTML references |
Local Area Networks - A Client /Server Approach | James E Goldman | 0-471-14162-3 | Wiley | Without doubt, the best networking (LAN) book that I've found |
TCP/IP Explained | Philip Miller | 1-55558-166-8 | Digital Press | Good text - all about the protocol suite |
The Evolving Ethernet | Alexis Ferrero | 0-201-87726-0 | Addison-Wesley | Another good book, worth a look |
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